New York

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On our way to New York Finnick drives but then we stay at a hotel Plutarch booked for us half way there.

"We're here!' Finn says.

"Finally. Where are we anyways?" I ask.


I nod my head and we all get out of the car and go into the fancy hotel. I go up to the recptionist and get the room.

"Katniss Everdeen." I say.

"Ah, here we are. Floor 12 room 1248," the lady says.

"Thank you."

I go over to the others and give them their keys. This must be a rich person hotel or something because we each have a key and everything is so fancy. Even people's purse dogs. Wow...

When we get outside the door I see that it is a gold door. GOLD!!!

"Woah... Plutarch went all out Kat," Annie says.

"Yeah. He totally did," Peeta says.

"Yeah..." I say.

We go inside and I see four king sized beds, a huge kitchen, plazma tv, a big bathroom, and a living room with two couches.

"What. The. Hell?" Finnick says, "This is crazy! You can practicly swim in the bath tub!"

He runs and jumps onto the second bed closest to us and rolls off accadently. We all crack up laughing when he falls because he pretty much missed the bed entirely. 

"Daaang it!" he wines like a six year old.

We all laugh once again and go order room service.

I feel my phone vibarate and pull it out of my pocket. It's Plutarch.

From Plutarch:

Hey Katniss, Are you in Phillidelphia yet? How's the trip? We all miss you, esepcially Primrose.

I smile and answer him.

To Plutarch:

Yes we are in Philli. The trip is going great and we're having so much fun! I miss you guys too! And the hotel is great, it must have been really expensive. Thank you.

I get a reply almost emmedietly.

From Plutarch:

Okay, glad you're having fun. And don't wory about the price of the hotel. It was only $300.00.


To Plutarch:

Whaat?! That's crazy expensive! Well good night! I love you all.

Did I searusly just say that I love Plutarch too?! I think to myself.

From Plutarch:

Goodnight Katniss. We love you too.

I turn off my phone and Annie asks,

"Who was that?"

"Plutarch," I say.

"I'm going to have a shower then go to bed guys.

"Kay," They say in unison.

I grab my pyjamas and go into the washroom. I wash up in the shower and hop out. I put my pyjamas on and go into the room and see the others watching tv.

I hop in my bed by the window, (yay), and say,

"Goodnight guys," and fall asleep.


A/N: Hey readers! I hope you liked the chapter because I don't.

My mum is rushing me so she can have her laptop back since I am not using my phone to update this chapter so it's crappy. My apoligies :(


I'll be updating 'Hunger Games High' later tonight and 'Falling For Him (a hunger games fanfick)' tomorrow.

See ya!

-Maddie xx

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