Going Home

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Peeta wakes up a few hours later and I go get the group some lunch.

Down in the hospital's cafeteria I grab four sandwiches and some bottles of water. I head back up to Peeta's room but I hear talking.

"Maybe we should go home." Annie says in a hushed voice.

"But she will be upset. It always has been her dream to travel." A male voice who must be Finnick says.

Now that I think of that, I do, think we should go home.

"We should just ask Katniss." Peeta says.

"I'm not upset about your decision; I agree that we should go home." I say entering the room.

They all jump and Peeta looks at me.

"Oh, hi Katniss." He says startled.

"Hello to you too." I say and give them their lunch.

"So, we going home?" I ask.

"If you want to." Annie says.

"Well ask Peeta." I say, "He is the one in the hospital."

After a half an hour of decision we made up our minds.

Finnick, Annie, Peeta and I are going home.

We stayed another night and Peeta gets discharged today. Finally.

Annie drives us to the hotel and we check out after packing the last of our many things.

I called Plutarch telling him to cancel the rest of the hotels (three of them), and that we are on our way back to home.

"I'll drive first." I say.

"Okay." They say in unison.

"Creepy." I mumble.

We get a cooler with food and drinks and put it in the back with Finnick and Peeta. Me and Annie wanted to sit together for once and same with the boys.

"How are you and Finnick?" I ask Annie when the guys are sleeping.

"It's perfect. How about you and Peeta?"

"Amazing, just amazing." I say with a goofy smile.

I look back at Peeta and Finnick and they are sleeping together. Peeta has his head on Finnick's shoulder and Finnick has his head on Peeta's head.

"Annie. Look at the boys."

She looks back.

"Awe, they are so cute!"

After about an hour I pull over and Annie and I switch sides.

"What's going on?" Finnick asks groggily.

"We are half way home so it's Annie's turn to drive." I say.

"Ok." he says.

After like four hours we get into California.

"Wake up guys, we're in California." I say.

"Why didn't you wake us up earlier? We slept the whole way." Peeta says sitting up.

"You guys looked too innocent." Says Annie.

"Still." Finnick says.

"Whatever guys. Get out. We are at my house." I say.

It feels good to be home.


Short chappy. Sorry.

I am running out of ideas. Help meee!!  


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~Maddie 💛💗💖

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