I think I am in love with Peeta Mellark

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The whole way home I had my face in Peeta's chest while he carried me.

Once we got home and Annie was out of Finnick's arms, I pulled her upstairs into my room and shut the door.

"What the hell was up with you and Finn at the beach?" I ask.

"Well," she says. "Me and Finn were talking about how you and Peeta should date and stuff. Next thing I knew was that he was leaning in and so was I."

"Oh ok. And Peeta doesn't like me. He probably has a girlfriend knowing him..."

"He doesn't have one. Finnick asked him."

"Whatever, lets go downstairs."

We go downstairs and over hear the boys talking in the living room so me and Annie hide behind a wall.

"I'm telling you man, I know she doesn't like me. I bet she has a boyfriend." Peeta says.

"She doesn't have a boyfriend. Chill out. And she might like you, I don't know though so don't ask me." Finn says.

"How does she not have one? She is so beautiful. You have seen her before too you know she is."

"I know."

It hurts that Peeta likes someone else, it's probably one of the sluts from school like Glimmer or Delly.

"That perfect flowing hair, beautiful eyes-" Peeta starts.

I'm sick of hearing about 'her' so I walk into the living room acting like I didn't hear anything.

"Want to watch a movie?" I ask.

They agree and I pick a movie. It's called: The Heat.

I get some popcorn, snacks, and drinks and we sit on the living room couches.

The movie is pretty funny, its a comedy about two female cops and it's like good cop-bad cop thing.

After the movie I go check the time and it's 10:26 pm.

"Lets play truth or dare!" Finnick yells.

"But there's only the four of us." I say.

"Who cares it will be fun." he says.

Annie gets an empty pop bottle and we sit in a circle.

"I'll go first." she says.

She spins and it lands on Finnick.

"Finn, truth or dare?"

"Truth. Just for something new."

"Why did you kiss me today?"

Me and Peeta smirk and Finn's face drains of colour.

"No backing out." Annie says.

"Fine." he says. "Annie, I know we haven't known eachother long but the minute I layed eyes on you it was like love at first sight. That is why I kissed you."

All of us are dumbfounded. Finnick, the Finnick Odair actually pouring out his love to someone.

"I-I feel the same way. I love you Finnick." Annie says.

After a moment of akward silence Peeta talks,

"Well, lets continue the game."

Finnick spins and it lands on me.

"Truth or dare?"

"Dare." I say.

"I dare you to shove ice cubes down your bra and underwear and stay like that until they melt."

I get the icecubes with Annie and I put them down my clothes. Geese, this is cold and uncomfortable.

We continue with the game and when I spin the bottle it stops on Annie.

"Truth or dare?"


"I dare you to play seven minutes in heaven with Finnick."

They both blush and go into a really small closet.

Peeta laughs and we put our ears up to the door.

At first we hear nothing but then they start making out interly.

"Times up!" I yell.


We go sit down and Annie spins and it looks like it's Peeta's turn.

"Truth or dare?" she asks.


"I dare you to kiss Katniss."

Without second thaughts we both lean in. When our lips touch I feel sparks. Electricity runs rapidly through my veins and I feel the butterflies in my stumach.

He pulls away and my lips feel all warm and tingely now.

"Uhh lets go to bed now." Annie says.

We all get up and go to our rooms.

Before I fall asleep there is only one thing on my mind.

I think I am in love with Peeta Mellark.

A/N: Hey guys, sorry for not updating in a while. I had a ton of homework and then last weekend I had a hockey tournament.

I guess thats what I get for making the rep team.

Anyways, I hope you liked the story!
Give me some suggestions on what I should add into my next chapter!

-Maddie xx

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