Best day ever... I think.

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Once we get onto the ride, the only thing that is on my mind is "OH SHIT! WHY DID I AGREE TO THIS???" I wan't to get off but I can't.

We are going up the incline and luckly I am inbetween Annie and Peeta. The guys decided to be on the outsides.

Thank god.

I am so scared I actually grab Peeta's hand! I feel a buzz of electricity run through my veins and I smile.

"Scared much?" Peeta asks with a smirk.

"Oops sorry." I say letting go of his hand.

"No it's ok you can hold my hand if you want." Peeta says.

I hold his hand again and smile.


When Katniss holds my hand I feel happy. She is so beautiful when she is scared, I know Katniss is scared because she has a look on her face that proves it. Becides, who wouldn't be scared on this.

We are at the top of the incline and I look over at Finnick. He smiles evily and we go down.

It feels like my intestines are in my brain and I don't really like it. I look at Katniss and she has her eyes closed. Maybe that would help.

I close my eyes and feel relived. I guess because I can't see where I am going or anything I can't feel anything at all.

FINALLY, the ride is over and we get off.

Katniss and Annie are shaking and I don't blame them.

"Lets go on a ride now." Annie suggests.

We go on a ride called 'Shock Wave' and it's fun but scarry.

After many, many, hours of rides and roalercoasters we decide to get dinner.

"Lets get pizza!" Finnick cheers.

We go in line to get pizza and I look around. There's lots of girls in bathingsuits walking around and it is just weird.

"No! Fuck off!" I hear Katniss yell.

Some guy says something else to her but I don't hear it.

"I said no!" Katniss says again.


"I said no!" Katniss yells at the guy in front of us.

"Katniss what did he say to you?!" I ask.

"He asked me if I wanted to go to his house tonight for some fun." She says air quoting the word 'fun'.

I turn to the guy who said that to her.

"You better watch it dude!" I yell at him.

"Oh so you are together?" He asks.

"No, she is my sister." I snarl.

It's true, Katniss and me conciter ourselves as siblings.

"Oh, so you are single." He says.

Katniss burys her face in Peeta's shirt and he says,

"She is not single!"

"Ok what about you?" The guy asks Annie.

Now-I'm pissed.

"She is with me!" I snap.

I know Annie is single still but I don't want the guy touching or hurting her.

I pull Annie into my chest and she wraps her small arms around me.

"Sure, all the sexy girls get those morons..." The guy says and walking away.

We just ignore it though.

"Lets go home." Peeta says.

Katniss and Annie must be really upset because they won't let go of us.

Peeta gives me a nod and we pick up the girls bridal style. Wow Annie is like a feather.

We start walking the ten minute walk and finally get home soon after.

A/N: Sorry for the re-post.  Don't hate me!! :(

Hope you liked it!

Updating soon. and I will TRY to update Hunger Games High soon!!

-Madison xx

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