Shopping With Prim and Katniss

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I got home two weeks ago and set up Annie's room. At first it was awkward for her but she settled in, Prim really helped make her feel at home. Her room is right beside mine and she has a bathroom too. Annie has a walk in closet almost as big as mine and she loves it very much.


It was two weeks ago that I officially moved in. I love it here. Like yeah, my things got put in three days before the trip but there wasn't anything unpacked. Miss. Everdeen and Mr. Heavensbee made me feel very welcomed but Prim and Katniss made me feel like I am a part of the family.

My mom and dad Skyped me yesterday and said that they missed me and everything was fine in Russia. I told them everything about the trip. Finnick and Peeta came over during the call and I introduced Finnick to my parents. They really like him.

Today, Prim, Katniss and I are going shopping since school starts in three weeks.

I come to my senses when there is a knock on my door.

"Come in." I say and Katniss walks in.

"Prim is getting impatient. You ready?" she says.

"Yeah. I'll just put on my shoes." I say.

She leaves and I grab my sandals and put them on.

"Let's go let's go let's go!!" Prim says excitedly and literally pushes us out the door.

We get into my red corvette that Plutarch bought me and head to the mall.

"Wait, where is the mall?" I ask.

"We'll direct you." Prim says.

We get to the massive shopping centre and it is so big! It is three stories high and there is a garden in the center of the third floor. The first store we  go to is Ardene and I think it is my new favourite store.

I buy some high heals, jeans, sandals and cool shirts. Katniss and Prim buy the same things but prim doesn't buy high heals since she is only twelve.  

* * *


After two amazing hours of shopping in this beautiful mall, I have bought six pairs of shoes, twelve shirts, three pairs of pants and eight pairs of shorts.

I love Annie and Katniss. They are the most amazing sisters anyone can ask for. I know Annie isn't my blood sister or Katniss's but to us she is. We love her. Annie and Katniss were both at the hospital when I was born. They love me and I love then they have been there for me through out everything, they protect me. Even when I broke my arm when I was eight they carried me to the hospital.q 

I just love them and I know they love me too.


Hello lovelies.

Here is an update FINALLY 😄😄

I hope you like the chapter, I don't know if its good or not.

I will be updating soon! Byeeee

~Maddie 💖❤💗💘

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