First day

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The first day is always the worst day. You don’t know anyone, all eyes are on you, and before you know it you have become friends with the wrong people. And yes, I’m talking about school.

I don’t want to leave my bed but I know I will eventually, so I get up half awake and go to the washroom to do what I usually do. After my awakening shower, there is an outfit set out on my bed. A ruffled black floral tank top, white skinny jeans, and nude flats; thank you to whoever set this out.

“Cereal or toast?” is the first thing I hear as I enter the kitchen.

“Cereal, I don’t care which type.” I reply back to the mysterious voice.

It must have been Katniss because she places a bowl of corn flakes in front of me at the table. I mumble a quick “Thanks,” and eat as fast as possible.

She stifles a laugh and says, “Well, you’re either really hungry or nervous.”

“Not nervous, petrified.”

“Well hurry up, the boys will be here soon.”

With that I eat even quicker because it is not good to be late on the first day at a new school. I run upstairs and brush my hair into its natural waves.

The sound of a car honk appears and I grab my backpack, Finnick and Peeta are there in a white convertible and Katniss and I hop in the back seats.

          “Well, you ladies look ravishing.” Finnick says using that certain charm of his.

          “Just shut up and drive. I don’t want to be late.” Katniss says.

          “Kitty’s got claws today.” He purrs and Peeta wacks him in the head and he drives.

We’re off to school and I’m so excited. Not!

So this is what an average American high school looks like. You have the jocks, the geeks, the populars, the bullies, and the regulars. Two girls and three boys run up to Finnick, Katniss, Peeta and I and engulf them into the hug while I stand to the side not knowing what to do.

“Guys, this is Annie Cresta, Annie, this is Clove Savina, Cato Hadley, Johanna Mason, Marvel Quad and Gale Hawthorne.” Katniss says.

Clove has brown hair with brown eyes and she is really short. Cato is very muscular with blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. Johanna has black hair and brown eyes, anyone can tell she has a short temper though. Marvel has brown hair and green eyes and very tall. But Gale is very much a like with Katniss having the same raven hair, gray eyes and olive skin.

We all greet each other and I already know they are great people and great friends.

Then the stupid school bell goes off signaling everyone else that school is starting, but it is welcoming me to hell.  


Hey guys! so here is an update, it's more of a filler chapter so it is kinda short!

Check out my instagram: @thgeverlark and I hope you like the chapter! If you have any story ideas I would love to know!

-Maddie 💖🎯✔👌✌

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