Chapter Fifteen

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"That's a wrap!" Jack pressed a button on the keyboard as if to make it official.

"Now we just need to sort the album cover ,artwork ect and we're all finished" Claire added. Finished. I liked the sound of that, no recording no nothing just spare to spend time do anything, with anyone. But I was happy with the final outcome, this album was going to be huge, fingers crossed.

"Alright that's enough!" Jack raised his voice at Louis and Harry who were jumping on the couches like 5 year olds. "Come on lets go get something to eat to celebrate"


"Where are we eating anyway?" I asked Claire, enjoying the peace and quiet while it lasted. I was following the directions she was giving me while I drove, the boys, Jack and Sean were meeting us at the restaurant.

"TGI's" Claire replied, excitement in her voice, I cheered in reply, I loved that place. I always felt like I was in some old American movie when I went there, like something from Grease I loved it.

"You alright Ny?" I asked Niall, I couldn't help but notice he was being really quiet as we waited for our meals to come. Everyone else was too busy caught up in their own conversations to concentrate on our conversation.

"Yep just missing me family and stuff" He replied shrugging, this made me start to think about my own family, I couldn't remember the last time I saw them.

"We'll get time off don't worry, you'll see them soon you should ask management. We've been working our asses off for the album this past month so we should get some time off" I gave him a half smile to reassure him although I wasn't sure we'd even get time off soon, I'd have to speak to Claire about arranging something not just for Niall but for all of us.

"I'd like to make a toast!" I announced standing up, holding my glass of oreo milkshake in my hand, I wasn't in the mood to have a hangover in the morning. "I'd like to thank you all for the work you put into the album, Claire thank you for being my manager and for getting me where I am today, Jack you're amazing, boys I couldn't think of anyone better to be collaborating with and Zayn thank you for making me smile" I raised my glass, everyone tapped their glasses together chanting "Cheers". I was having the time of my life. Harry and Liam also made toasts thanking everyone then separated off.

"You can come to mine if you want babe?" Zayn whispered in my ear seductively, his cool breath tickling me.

"Ok but I'm not promising anything" We'd been together just under 3 weeks, I wasn't prepared to give him everything, I liked him a lot but I was only just falling in love with him. Plus he'd had one too many, I wanted him to remember it. Plus mother nature wasn't helping either. I just prayed he wouldn't get the wrong idea.


"Welcome to my home" I followed Zayn inside, pulling off my hoodie and hanging it on the peg that he hung his jacket on.

"So-" I begun but was cut off by Zayn's hungry lips crashing onto mine, I couldn't fight against them. Whether I wanted to or couldn't was a different question but soon enough we pulled back for air, his hands lowered from my hips.

"Zayn I can't" I breathed trying to catch my breath as he planted small kisses along my neck.

"Can't or won't?" he grinned at me, he was so beautiful how could I object?

"Let's just say it's not the right time of the month" I whispered breaking eye contact, it wasn't exactly the most comfortable subject to discuss.

"Oh" He went quiet, his hands made their way back to my hips, was he embarrassed?

"Sorry" I bit my lip nervously, nice one Summer.

"It's fine, I'm sorry" Zayn looked down at me, half smiling. He bent his neck down to plant a small kiss of my lips.

"Thank you. For understanding I mean" I said, feeling small.

"No worries, any time? We'll just watch a movie or something" Zayn shrugged, he generally ok but I knew he wasn't nobody likes being rejected...

"Mmm but I want to pick!" I giggled as he took my hand and pulled me into his huge living room. This was going to be a long night and I was going to be knackered in the morning but it would all be worth it.

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