Chapter Thirty

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The excitement of seeing Dante again, having him back in my life was overwhelming. No words could explain how happy I was.

"Omg look at you all grown up!" I looked at him completely shocked he'd changed so much. He was no longer the 16 year old class clown schoolboy who I knew so well, he was now a tall, muscular, tanned young man.

"Are you kidding? Look at you!" He chuckled slipping his bag off his shoulder.

"I cant' believe it's you! Come through" I lead him into the living room, Frankie following after Dante and took a seat on one of the couches. "So what's been happening?"

"Well my Ma and Pa are good, right now Mia is off traveling with her boyfriend and Carla is studying Law, what about you guys?"

"The Salon is doing well, Mum has had her baby, a little girl Holly. So I've been helping her again with the kids" Frankie told us and Dante's smile grew bigger.

"Aww, tell her congrats from me won't you?"

"Yes of course" Frankie laughed.

"Now your turn missus" Dante smiled at me.

"I'm starting another tour with the boys, got a new album out. Everything's great right now" That last part was half true, it was good that Dante was here and everything else was good too except Zayn and I arguing.

"You've missed out something!" Frankie grinned at me, Dante turned his head back to me with a questioning. "Your new man!" she giggled as she said it like some little school girl.

"Oh right, I'm with Zayn, Zayn Malik from One Direction" I averted my gaze to my lap, I hadn't yet had the chance to tell Frankie what had happened.

"Well you tell him if he doesn't treat you right then he'll have me to answer to!" He laughed.

"You were supposed to meet him today actually but you'll get to meet him soon" Frankie replied, I was dreading that moment.

"I'm actually really tired guys so I'm going to head up for bed" I leant forward grabbed my flashing phone and stood up.

"Night" Dante stood too and leant in to peck my cheek and give me a hug, Frankie did the same then I disappeared upstairs feeling guilty. I had to get out of there, pretending everything is alright isn't always as easy as it sounds.

4 New Messages

Zayn Malik; I didn't mean anything I said babe I'm sorry, I really am. Can I come over? Xxxxxxxxxxxx

I ignored this message, my heart fluttered. Whether it was a heat of the moment thing deep down he probably still felt the things he said but either way I wanted to forgive him, he hadn't really done anything wrong had he?

Jack Rogers; I'll arrange a studio to be booked for you, I'll let you know what day it is xx

Louis Tommo; Skipping work tut tut! ;)

This made me smile. Out of Louis, Liam, Harry and Niall I felt closer to Louis, we can have a laugh, inside jokes and I text him more than the others. I'd say he's like a brother I never had.

Reply to; Louis; Shut up you! It's not like you were putting effort in!xx

Zayn Malik; Ignoring me won't make this any better Summer x

He was right, ignoring it wouldn't make whatever 'this' was any better, I was going to have to give in at some point.

Reply to; Zayn; Fine come over x

To; Frankie; Zayn's coming over so send him straight upstairs please! Xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

You know when you want to do something but you can't be bothered to get up and do it? Yeah that's how I feel right now, which is why I'm laying in bed scrolling through twitter, following a few people here and there instead of going over what I want to say to Zayn. If I'm honest I'd rather not say anything, I'd rather just forgive and forget and move on, that would be the easier thing to do. But the easiest thing never happens does it? As my thoughts turned to this conversation I was going to have with Zayn my eyelids became heavier and no matter how hard I tried to keep them open they continued to until eventually I was forced to give in.


I awoke early in the morning to go to the loo. I didn't want to get out of my nice warm bed but it was of those 'Maybe if I wait a little longer I won't need to go anymore' moments but it didn't work. It was when I walked out the bathroom that I remembered I wsn't awake long enough to talk to Zayn last and that I couldn't see him today because Frankie, Dante and I were going out. When I got back to my bed it was noticeably colder but as soon as my head hit the pillow I drifted off again.

It was at 8:24AM exactly that I was rudely awoken by voices downstairs, I was supposed to wake up at 8 so in a way it was good but I wasn't too pleased. I had a quick shower, the cold swept over me as soon as I left the bathroom and got changed into ( ). I left my hair to dry and put on whatever make-up I could be bothered to put on. Then went downstairs to see who had woke me up.

I was met in the kitchen by Frankie cooking a full English breakfast and Dante sat at the breakfast bar drinking his coffee.

"Thanks for waking me up guys" I said sarcastically as I flick on the kettle and got out a mug from the cupboard.

"Shh" Frankie said as soon as I'd finished.

"Don't shh me! Why shh?" I replied a little annoyed.

"Because, Zayn is in the living room asleep"

"Why? Did he stay over? Why didn't he sleep in the other guest room?"

"He said you were asleep but you needed to talk so I asked him if he wanted to stay over. I offered him the other guest room but he said he was fine on the couch" She shrugged. Dante didn't say anything, he's not really a morning person.

"Mmm okay, we're still going out though?" I questioned sitting down next to Dante after I'd poured my cuppa.

"Yes why wouldn't we? You and Zayn have your chat and we can go!" 

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