Chapter Thirty Two

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July 11th

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you" A chorus of singing erupted into Summer's bedroom. She groaned and lifted her arms over her eyes to shield them from the little light that flooded in from the blinds. "Happy birthday dear Summer" 'Don't they know I like a lay in on my days off' she thought to herself as she pulled the covers over her head in an attempt to block out the loud, terribly out of tune singing. "Happy birthday to you!"

"Get up you lazy sod and blow out these candles or I will!" Frankie pulled back the covers ,once the cheers of the singing had died down, causing Summer to groan again.

"Fine, then can I sleep?" When no one answered she sat up, her small face was slightly frowning. This was the first time she'd got to see who was actually in the room. Her Mum, Dad, Frankie, Dante, Zayn, Jack and Shauna, one of her good friends, were stood around her bed.

"Make a wish" Zayn winked at her, the side of his mouth was turned up into a grin. She shut her eyes, hesitated for a few seconds before drawing in a huge breath and blowing out again. When all the candles had been blown out everyone began cheering again, Summer's face now softened into a smile.

"Right, everyone downstairs for a bite to eat then Summer and I can do a quick check of the venue" Frankie signalled for everyone to go downstairs leaving Summer in peace, for now.


When you've got everything you want you take things more for granted and realize it's not how big your party is it's the people you're with.

But who doesn't want to celebrate their 21st birthday in style?

"This place is already looking good," Summer looked around the big club. The barmen were stocking up the bar, the DJ was setting up the speakers, the caterers were busy in the kitchen and various other people were putting decorations into place.

"I see you've come to admire my work?" Summer and Frankie turned around at the sound of this.

"Jason! I knew I could trust you with this it's amazing!" Summer beamed at him, he pecked her cheek and pulled her in for a hug.

"Frankie, it's nice to see you sober" He winked at Frankie as he chuckled, she nodded in reply clearly not interested, "It's not even finished yet but thankyou. Did you just come to check this place out or did you want something else?"

"We just came to check everything is in order before we start getting ready" Frankie smile at him. There was a sudden shift in atmosphere.

"Alright. I'll let you get off then" He replied bluntly, heading off behind the bar.

"See you later!" Summer called out the door. "What is your problem?" She turned to Frankie as soon as they were in the car.

"Nothing," She said sarcastically, "Really, nothing".


4pm came around sooner than expected, Frankie, Shauna and Summer were made up from head to toe with still an hour to spare. So what do you do when you've got time before you head off to your 21st birthday party. Go on Just Dance 3 of course, even with heels on!

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