Chapter Sixteen

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March 10th

I woke to a silent house, 'perfect' I thought to myself. Dragging myself out of the bed (silently so I didn't a snoring Zayn up) I looked around for something to change into, I didn't fancy wearing the same clothes as yesterday. I dug through Zayn's wardrobe pulling out a pair of grey trackies and his 'smoking can kill top', I loved that top for some reason. I left my hair as it was, a curly mess, and washed yesterday's make up off. After I'd finished getting ready I left Zayn to sleep and crept my way downstairs, since when did I go to bed with him? I asked myself not remembering when I fell asleep.

Flicking the kettle on, I waited for my phone to turn on so I could call Claire. As I sipped my tea I smiled to myself remembering last night, everything was perfect it was unreal.

I heard footsteps pounding down the staircase as a sleepy Zayn entered the room.

"Morning sleepy" I flashed him a smile pouring him a cup of tea.

"Morning beautiful" He returned the smiling wincing as he rubbed his head.

"Hung over?" I question already knowing he was just by his facial expressions, I was right to stick with oreo milkshakes.

"Thanks" He nodded, picking up the tea and sipping it. "What are you doing today?"

"I'm not sure I need to ring Claire because she's got my schedule, have you got a day off?"

"Yeah I was going to whisk you away actually" Zayn grinned leaning on the kitchen worktop, how he looked that attractive at this time in the morning was beyond my imagination.

"You do know how to treat me like a princess, I'll ring her now" I winked, grabbing my phone and dialing Claire's work number.

"Claire Davies, Eco management can I help you?"

"Hiya it's me, Summer. I was wondering if I've got anything planned today?"

"Let me just check" Rustling came from the other end of the phone, I rested the phone between my shoulder and my cheek as I fixed Zayn's messy hair. "You haven't got anything until a quick meeting at 7 tonight, I'll send a car to collect you at 6:30"

"Alrighty, can you send it to Zayn's?" I asked her, ignoring Zayn's questioning look.

"Oh that's where you got off to then! Sure but you've got a busy day tomorrow about the Album so I'd appreciate it if you didn't spend the night out tonight"

"Shhh you! Yeah okay bye!" I hung up before she replied. "I've free until 6 tonight" I smiled at him.

"Great, come on I'm taking you shopping" He took my hand in his and practically pulled me out the door. This would be fun.


"Where to first m'lady?" Zayn asked as we entered the shopping centre, not getting mobbed would be a challenge.

"Well I don't fancy walking around in your clothes all day so somewhere like H&M or Topshop?" he nodded in approval and we walked in the direction of H&M.

"What about this?" Zayn pointed to a top that actually looked nice.

"Mmm you have good taste Mr" I replied taking the top from the rail, "I might just have to buy it, let me go find some leggings ect I'll meet you outside?" He nodded in reply and I set off to find what I needed. One purchased outfit later I made my way out of the shop to be greeted by Zayn with a few girls surrounding him.

"Sorry can you sign this too?" one of the girls handed him her phone which he happily signed.

"Hey sorry I took so long" I interrupted them feeling rude.

"Omg you're Summer Tyler! Can I have a photo with you?" A brown haired girl asked me, giving me a smile.

"I am, sure" I laughed, she handed her camera to one of the other girls and we smiled waiting for her to capture the photo.

"Anything else?" Zayn asked, clearly wanting to get away but not wanting to be rude.

"Can I have a photo with both of you, you're so cute together!" I looked at Zayn and smiled and took one final photo.

"Sorry girls we're going to have to go now, we'd appreciate it if you didn't post on Twitter where we are" Zayn flashed his signature grin at them and they agreed then walked away giggling like the fans they were.

"Sorry about that"

"It's fine Zayn honestly, can we go find the toilets so I can change?" I asked.

"Sure then we'll go find somewhere to eat" He happily agreed, I'd finally found a guy who liked shopping.

Several full shopping bags later we were back in the safety of Zayn's home.

"How we didn't get mobbed I don't know" Zayn laughed "Whenever any of our fans find out where we our everyone else finds out it's crazy!"

"Mmm, well I won't be messing with them any time soon" I smiled, scrolling down my mentions, various people were tweeting about mine and Zayn's shopping trip I wasn't really bothered about anything they were saying but it still hurt when there was something negative said about me.

"We've got an hour to kill then Liam's coming here with Danielle, so what do you want to do?" Zayn pulled me from my daydream.

"Liam's girlfriend Danielle right?"

"Yeah why?"

"Just asking I think I've met her before" I smiled at him innocently, I knew who she was but I just didn't know how, I'd never seen her when I'd been out places with the boys so it was probably something dance related.

"Ah right" he shrugged drawing circles with his finger on my leg.

"We could always watch another rom com?" I giggled because it tickled.

"I think we watched them all last night!" Zayn laughed.

"Hm okay you pick then" I wriggled around on the sofa trying to get comfy.

"Harry Potter it is" Zayn grinned, lifting my legs up so he could sit down then placing them back on his lap.

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