Chapter Eight

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After dinner, we had pizza but Niall and Harry ate most of it, I went back to bed, traveling far always tired me out I wasn't just being antisocial!

February 7th

I spent the next day chilling with the boys by my pool and slipped away to practice some dancing too, I hoped that this week would be very relaxed.


"So what are we thinking about the album guys?" Jack Dean someone who was working on the album with us asked us all. I had a rough idea what I wanted it to be about.

"I don't want it to be just soppy love songs and I'd love to do a duet of something with one of the boys" I said immediately it was better to voice my opinion first instead of just agreeing with something I didn't like at all later on, Jack scribbled this down on a notepad in front  of him then looked back at me in deep thought.

"Alright, what do you guys think?"

"Sounds good to me" Niall chirped up.

"I agree about the love songs, most of our songs have included something about love it would be nice to do something a little different" Liam smiled at me.

"A duet sounds good" Zayn winked at me, causing my cheeks to redden, Harry and Louis just nodded in agreement.

"Ok so out of the 12 tracks that you do one of them with be a duet. I was thinking you could do possibly 4 songs for you boys and 4 songs for Summer and then 4 songs together how does that sound?" We all agreed.

The meeting dragged on for another hour and a half and in the end we agreed on the 4 songs each and 4 songs together, 1 included the duet. We started writing with a few songwriters and came up with a few bits and pieces and the boys also agreed that they would write a song for me as well as a song for themselves or a song we would sing together. I'd already written a song from my last album that we didn't get a chance to record so I would only need 2 more songs. I called Claire up after and ran things over with her and she seemed to like it so it was game.

"Rihanna or Katy Perry?" Louis asked.

"Rihanna" Liam replied.

"I'd have to say Katy Perry" Niall said.

"Nah I love Rihanna!" Zayn disagreed.

"I'd say Rihanna too, I love her music!" I joined in. Harry was in the booth recording part of the duet.

We'd spent the next few days after the meeting writing a few bits and we were now on my last day, tomorrow I would fly back to the UK for my interview with Alan Carr, I loved that man. So far we'd concentrated our attention on the duet and luckily we completed it in record time, it sounded amazing. The boys would all sing the male part and I would sing the female part obviously and then at the end we would decide which of the boys would be in the final song. Zayn, Niall, Louis, Liam and Harry were staying an extra week in LA and then I would fly back on the 13th.

As for me and Zayn? Nothing much had happened, we'd been so busy with work that we'd only spent time together as a group, I didn't mind that but I wanted to talk to him more. He was the main thing I'd been thinking about but it seemed as if he was interested too. A little harmless flirting can go a long way.

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