Chapter Twenty Three

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March 22nd

'Wishes' first radio play

Scott: Good morning everyone this is Scott Mills here with One Direction and Summer Tyler for the first radio play of their single 'Wishes'. How are you feeling?

Summer: Quite nervous actually

Louis: Excited

Niall: Definitely excited yeah

Harry: Yeah

Scott: Great lets get started, so we're playing the single soon but we'll ask you some questions to start with. Where did you record the single?

Liam: We recorded it in LA and London.

Scott: And you've recorded the video?

All of us: Yeah

Scott: Where was that recorded?

Summer: All over London.

Harry: Literally everywhere in London.

Scott: Favourite restaurant/takeaway?

Niall: Nandos!

Summer: I love Curry

Zayn: I do too

Harry: Sushi!

Louis: I'm going to go with Niall on this, Nandos!

Liam: I quite like Chinese

Scott: Do you get mugged wherever you go?

Louis: Usually yeah.

Liam: Our fans are just amazing they always manage to find out where we are.

Niall: It's actually scary how they find out.

Summer: I probably don't as much as the boys because I'm quite common looking but I suppose now with my bright pink hair I will.

Harry: You're not common looking.

Summer: Aren't I? I think I am (laughing) I can just shove on a pair of sunglasses and not get recognized but in a way I think that's quite good.

Scott: Okay we're going to play Cher Lloyd's 'With Your Love'

Niall: Woo Cher Bear!


Scott: The boys and Summer are here we're going to play their new single 'Wishes' at 8:30. Now, I'll ask you a few more questions then Chris and Simon are coming in to do the news. Are any of you divas?

Zayn: No I don't think we are I think we keep each other grounded.

Louis: Yeah like if any of us did I think we'd bring them back down.

Scott: Alright this is a question for you Summer, what are the boys really like?

(Boys turn to look at Summer smiling)

Summer: They're all actually really horrible! No I'm joking they are genuinely nice guys and really funny! There isn't a moment backstage where we don't have a laugh, I couldn't pick five better guys to work with.

Harry, Louis, Liam and Zayn: Awww!

Niall: We love you Sum!

Scott: I was hoping for something better than that haha! Do you ever get starstruck?

Summer: I try to stay cool but I don't think it's works a lot of the time.

Niall: It happens to me all the time, when I met Michael Buble I was so nervous I didn't say much to him.

Liam: I fell over when I met Tinie Tempah

Scott: Who have you met that you've thought 'this is amazing' I can't believe I'm meeting this person.

Harry: Um I think when we met Robbie Williams he was like so cool he put us at ease straight away then he invited us to hang with him and we were all in awe of it

Niall: The Hoff was good.

Liam: He was really tall aswell. So is Robbie.

Louis: Everyone's tall except for us.

Summer: I'm not!

Zayn: You're like a leprechaun.

Louis: No no that's Niall!

Summer: Anyway..I've was quite shy when I met Justin Bieber but I reckon a lot of girls are, his hair was amazing. And when I met Simon Cowell  for the first time I was a bit starstruck.

Scott: We're going to play 'Wishes' now, for the first time ever in the whole world it's 'Wishes' by Summer Tyler and One Direction.

(Wishes plays)

Summer: Everyone should go buy it when it's out!

Liam and Zayn: Yeah!

Scott: Okay lets move on to the listener questions. What's the most expensive thing you've bought since being famous?

Liam: I bought my Mum and Dad a car.

Harry: Don't ask why but I bought a rubber penut.

Louis: Definitely not the most expensive thing you've bought. I bought myself a car.

Summer: I bought a house in America.

Scott: That's it! Thank you very much One Direction and Summer Tyler good luck with the singles.

Everyone: Thank you!

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