Chapter Three

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February 5th


“Fuck off” I moaned into my pillow as I recognized Harry and Louis’ voices.

“Calm it Kermit, we’ve got a meeting with Simon in an hour” Louis picked up the spare pillow from my bed and started whacking me with it.

“AN HOUR?” I shouted, jumping up like a rocket and running into the bathroom not bothering to do anything to Louis and Harry in return. I’ll think of something to do to them later.

Barely 5 minutes into my relaxing shower I heard 3 loud knocks on the bathroom door.

“WHO IS IT?” I shouted as I turned of the shower and grabbed a towel wrapping it around me. “HELLO?” Hmm, no answer. I unlocked the door to find Zayn sat on my bed. Déjà vu? “Why is it that you always catch me when I’m just wearing a towel?” I questioned giggling.

“I don’t plan it” He winked “Liam told me to tell you that you need to hurry up, we’ve got that interview at 10 then we’ve got a meeting with Uncle Si” he said in a more serious voice.

“If a certain someone wasn’t in my room then maybe I would be ready by now” I winked, hitting his arm playfully.

“Oh come on Sum, we both know that you take forever to get really!” he protested hitting me back.

“Oh really? I bet you I can get ready in 10 minutes” I looked at him not breaking eye contact.

“Mmm ok it’s a challenge, you ready?” He stared back walking backwards towards the door.

“I was born ready Malik”

“GO” He shouted exiting my room, shutting the door behind him.

You can do this Summer. Racing around my room I pulled on some underwear, denim shorts, a black top and my grey hoodie. I rushed over to the dressing table, covering my face with foundation and some mascara then put on the blue and gold bracelet my parents had bought me for my 18th birthday and a string bracelet. Glancing over at the clock I smiled realizing I still had 4 minutes left, I pulled on my converse, grabbed my bag, putting in all the things I needed for today and strutted out my room with a huge grin on my face.

“AHEM, I make that 8 minutes on my watch” I looked at Zayn with satisfaction.

“Damn” He pretended to sulk, I walked over to him giggling and gave him a hug.



I: Hello One Direction and Summer Tyler!

All of us: Hello!

I: Now let’s get down to business, a little birdie tells me you’re doing some work together, is this true?

Liam: Yes, we’ve got some things planned, hopefully we’ll get something great out of it.

I: So you’re going to be releasing a few songs together?

Summer: If it all goes to plan yes, so fingers crossed! (She laughs)

I: Great, we can’t wait to hear it! How do you all feel about working together?

Louis: I’m quite excited actually, the boys and I have always been a fan of Summer’s music so it’s good to be able to work with her.

Summer: (Aww’s at Louis’ comment) I’ve always been a fan of One Direction too! I watched them on The X Factor and I love all their songs!

I: I’ve got a few questions from Twitter. @Love_SummerT said When are you going on tour?

Harry: Hopefully we’ll tour when we’ve finished recording and released some more songs.

Summer: I’d love to go on tour with the boys, I think it would be hilarious.

I: Next, @EmilyHoran said What are your biggest fears?

Louis: She’s got the same name as you Niall, how strange!

(Everyone laughs)

Zayn: I’m scared of water.

Liam: I have a strange fear of spoons..

Niall: When I was younger I used to be scared of clowns, I hated them.

Harry: I don’t like roller coasters.

Summer: I’m actually scared of a lot of things, um I’d say cotton wool (The boys laugh) and spiders.

I: Strange! Moving on, is there any romance in the air? Who’s single, who’s taken?

(Everyone looks around the room smiling)

I: Let’s go down the line. Louis?

Louis: Taken

I: Harry?

Harry: Single (he winks)

I: Liam?

Liam: I’m taken.

I: Summer?

Summer: Single

I: Niall?

Niall: Single

I: Zayn?

Zayn: single

I: Okay, that’s all we’ve got time for, thank you for coming, One Direction and Summer Tyler!


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