Chapter Twenty Seven

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Maybe this was a good idea.

But maybe it wasn't.

"I'm going to get a drink, you want one?" I shouted to Frankie over the loud music, she couldn't hear me, either that or she was too caught up dancing like a mad woman. I left her to carry on dancing and weaved in and out of people, making my way to the bar. The bar wasn't busy so I was served in next to no time.

"What can I get you?" The tall black haired man with bright blue eyes from behind the bar asked me.

"I'll have a diet coke please" I smiled at him then looked down at my clutch as I pulled some money from it.

"A diet coke?" He questioned almost not believing what I'd just said.

"A diet coke" I nodded my smile getting bigger.

"Alright, one diet coke coming right up" He smiled back revealing a bright set of teeth, he could give Simon a run for his money.

"Thank you" I handed him the money once he had placed the overfilled glass of coke on the bar top.

"So what brings you to my club?" He asked as he handed me my change, I chucked it into my bag and took a sip from my ice cold drink.

"Your club huh?" I looked at him in disbelief, he cracked another smile at my reaction.

"Yes my club, have you never been here before?"

"Impressive. Nope never, clubs aren't really my thing, unless I'm invited by a club, I'm too busy most of the time" I took another long sip of my drink waiting for him to reply.

"That's hard to believe" he leant forward so he was leaning his arms on the counter just behind the bar.

"What is?"

"That clubs aren't really your thing, you seem like someone who likes a good party"

"Like I said I'm too busy anyway"

"Busy doing what?" I could tell he wanted to know more about me, but whether I told him the truth was up to me. It wasn't like it was going to go anywhere, not in a romance way anyway, I'm not that type of girl.

"I never thought I'd say this line but don't you know who I am?" I laughed as his facial expression changed. I watched him as his eyes flickered over my face a few times examining my face, trying to put a name to my face.

"Michelle! Michelle Keegan, I knew it!" His face softened, his mouth turn up into a slight smile.

"I'll take that as a compliment but no. How about you tell me your name and I'll tell you mine?" I suddenly realized that the only thing I knew about this guy was that he owned a club.

"I really thought I had it then, never mind. The name's Jason, Jason Black. Your turn"

"Hello Jason" I smiled at him, before taking a small sip from my nearly empty glass. "I'm Summer Tyler." His face changed once again he brang his hand up to his forehead and ran his fingers  back through his messy hair.

"I knew it, I was just playing along" Jason grinned at me, knowing that I wouldn't buy it.

We carried on chatting for a while until a rather tipsy Frankie interrupted us. Jason and I swapped numbers, yes he does know I'm with Zayn, and Frankie and I grabbed a taxi home.

I never planned the night to go this way, but maybe it was a good idea that we didn't meet up with the boys.

June 13th

Luckily for me I had paced myself that night but Frankie hadn't, while she was left with a awful hangover mine wasn't so bad.

To; Louis Tommo

Missed you and the boys last night, hope you had a good night and aren't feeling bad today. See you in a few days xxxx

Another lucky thing was that I had today off, which meant I was free to do whatever. I would probably end up nursing Frankie until she got out of bed but she was worth it.

The next few days would consist of interviews and photo shoots about the album, I would  also get to see Zayn.

June 14th

"I've missed you" I breathed into Zayn's ear once we were united on the morning of our first day of a fully packed schedule.

"I have too" He pulled back from my hug and connected out lips. Ignoring the wolf whistles we broke apart and headed inside the radio station.

The day went by quickly as did the few days after that. Each time I looked over at Zayn I caught him looking at me, causing a smile to automatically form on my face. There was no doubt that there was something about him.

Although I was in high spirits about going out, seeing Zayn again and buzzing for when Dante was coming down and for my birthday, I was still feeling extremely tired no matter how much sleep I got.

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