Chapter Four

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Summer’s Pov

“We’ve got no time to stop guys so straight in the car” Paul informed us, he was One Direction’s security guard but he would be looking after me too while I was with them. We all nodded in response and followed him out the door. The cold air blew my hair everywhere, I shivered violently as I hadn’t bought a jacket because it was so hot earlier.

“Here” Zayn smiled at me, holding his jacket out. I could only just hear him over the screaming fans, I took it from him mouthing a “thank you” and slipped it on.

“ZAYN, SUMMER COME ON, BACK AWAY PLEASE GIRLS” Paul shouted from the car, where Niall, Harry, Louis and Liam had just reached. Large crowds of girls were surrounding us, luckily there was a small path that lead to the car but I didn’t know how long it would be there for but I did know that all the screams were deafening me.

“Come on” Zayn whispered in my ear, grabbing my wrist and pulling me through the crowd.

“Thank you, for the jacket and for saving me” I smiled at Zayn once we were safely in the car, Paul didn’t look too happy.


“So that’s that, you’ll be flying over to America tomorrow morning to start recording and writing” Simon told us. We’d got to the offices in no time and luckily enough no one, when I say no one I mean fans, knew where we were going so we weren’t bombarded when we arrived. Everyone was now sat around a table in Simon’s office.

“How long will they be staying there?” My manager Claire questioned. I’d hired Claire going against Simon’s advice just so I could have some guidance. She’d been with me ever since I’d got signed to Syco and I trusted her, she was like a second Mum to me.

“Roughly a week, 2 weeks maximum” Simon replied bluntly, I’d learnt quickly that Simon didn’t like it when people asked questions, Claire however was all about asking them.

“Summer is booked to go on Alan Carr: Chatty Man on the 15th so if she needs to spend any further time recording she would have to fly back then fly out to America again” Claire informed him, looking through the thick book in front of her which was my schedule. “Apart from that I can cancel a few small interviews and she’ll be free”

“That’s perfectly fine, I’ll get someone to arrange the flights if extra time is needed, be aware that they’ll be doing more recording here in London at a later date” He nodded then dismissed himself as Janet informed him that someone was here for another meeting.

“Surprise surprise he’s gone within half an hour” I whispered to Claire, causing her to laugh.

“If that’s it then I’ll come back to your apartment and help you pack” Claire rose from her chair not waiting for a reply.

“I’ll see you guys tomorrow, bright and early?” I smiled giving each of them a quick kiss on the cheek then followed after Claire.


“I hope you’re aware that I’ll be joining you in America Sum” Claire called from the bathroom. “So no funny business with those boys!”

“I hope you’re not implying anything!” I laughed mocking her.

“Sum I just don’t want to see you get hurt” She replied walking back into my bedroom and dumping my toiletries in my suitcase.

“Aww Claire!” I smiled pulling her in for a hug.

“Come on we need to get this done so you can sleep!” She squeezed me tight then let go placing piles of clothes into my suitcase. “Do you really need ALL these clothes?” I nodded grinning, placing in more clothes.

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