Chapter Forty One

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"Who's staying at the hotel tonight then?" My manager, Jack asked everyone on the table.

"I think it's most of the team and all of the boys" Paul answered.

"I'm going to head back to ours" Zayn told Paul, the other boys agreed to stay at the hotel.

"I'll be at the hotel, I haven't got any of my stuff though" I shrugged.

"You can borrow something of mine if you like?" Danielle offered.

"Only if you don't mind, I don't want to stretch anything!" I laughed, "If not I'll grab something from one of the boys"

"No, not at all I'm sure I've got something. But I don't blame you!" She laughed. It was decided then. Zayn was going to be a moody shit, which never solved anything. But if he didn't make the first move then I'd have to.

"Zayn?" I said more quietly as the rest of the group discussed sleeping arrangements.

"Yeah?" He looked in my direction.

"You know, I appreciate everything you've ever done for me and I'm really sorry for snapping at you earlier" I apologised, praying that he would forgive me. What else could I do?

"I just get worried about you Sum'. I don't want to lose you" Zayn sighed.

"Hey, I'm not going anywhere" I smiled, leaning in closer to him.

"Good" He smiled back as he closed the gap between us.


The next few months were amazing. I had my boy back, things were getting better and better. I spent most of my time at home, some days I would go to interviews and others I would go along to work with Zayn and watch from the sideline.

@Summer Tyler; Not long now! #babymaliks

@NiallOfficial; @Summer Tyler @ZaynMalik  Nialler Malik sound good, aha! x


"Omg look! Matching baby sailor outfits ! Zayn look, teddy towels! We have to get these!" I was grabbing two of everything in the shop. Everything was just so tiny and cute. "Omg shoes!"

"Summer, put it all down we've got enough clothes for now. We only came out for specifics"  Zayn shook his head at me and went back to talking to the shop assistant.

"I know, I know" I sighed, putting back some of the stuff I'd picked up A few more item won't hurt.

We had to pick unisex colours ect because we hadn't found out the sexes of the babies. Luckily we'd gotten most of the things we needed. Zayn had moved in with Frankie and I. Zayn and I were going to wait to buy a house of our own sometime after the babies were born as it was a long process and we didn't have much time.


Everything was beginning to sink in when Zayn and I were talking to the midwife about the delivery of the babies. It all depended on the positioning of the babies to determine whether I would have a natural birth or a C-section. I would prefer to have a natural birth because the thought of being cut open scares me and I've also heard many stories about the time after you've had a c-section.


July 11th

Being around 9 months pregnant and wanting to stay in and order a takeaway for your birthday is understandable, right?

Apparently not.

"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Summer, Happy Birthday to you!" Frankie and Zayn sung as they entered my room with a cake and a pile of presents. When they'd finished singing I blew out the candles and begun opening my presents. From Zayn, I got a phone case, some clothes (picked out with Frankie), a spa weekend away and a few other presents. He'd also brought the engagement ring but he was going to 'propose' when everyone was here later. Frankie got me a camera, some photo frames , photos for my photo walls and vouchers for my favourite shops. I also got some perfume and jewellery from my other friends. Bruno had promised me a shopping trip on his next visit. And I received a gold bracelet from my parents, something that I would only wear when I saw them.

"Thank you so much you guys!" I smiled wide and pecked both of them on the cheek.

"Stay here and I'll go get you breakfast" Zayn winked and disappeared out the door.

"Aw thank you Frank!" I gave her a huge hug.

"Well y'know I do loves you!" She smiled, going shy. Something she did whenever someone gave her a compliment.

"Love you too chic!" I laughed.

"Well, Zayn should be back in a sec so I'll leave you and go get ready."


"Who's coming tonight?" I asked Zayn, I only knew a little bit about my birthday plans as Zayn and Frankie had organised it all.

"The boys and Paul of course. Frankie invited Blossom-"

"Awww! I haven't seen Bloss' in forever!" I squealed.

"Eleanor and Danielle are coming. I invited my Mum, Dad and sisters too but your parents couldn't make it" He looked away from me when he mentioned my parents.

"Surprise, surprise" I said sarcastically sighing heavily.

"Hey you, we'll have fun without them babe. Now come on get in the shower, people will be arriving soon"

"I'd much rather stay in" I moaned, not feeling in the mood anymore, why should I plaster on a fake smile?

"If you don't get in the shower soon I'll carry you in there" He frowned at me changing the subject, I had no energy to argue with him so I did as he said.


I slipped on a pair of Aztec leggings with a baggy top and some black flats. Sitting down at my dressing table I stared back at my reflection. I applied foundation to my face before applying my false eyelashes and a lick of mascara.

"Summer!" Frankie called as she walked across the landing and into my room.

"Yes?" I continued applying my make-up.

"There's someone here to see you!" Frankie was clearly trying to contain her excitement but not doing a very good job. I shrugged it off and followed her downstairs. I could hear Zayn talking to someone as we got closer.

"Oh My God!" I screamed when I saw them, now I was the one unable to contain my excitement.

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