Chapter Thirty One

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I was sat in the living room facing Zayn, we'd been like this for at least 10 minutes. In complete silence, every so often we'd make eye contact then immediately look away. This isn't how a real relationship should be. We should be talking, looking 'lovingly' into each other's eyes and all that other 'lovey dovey' stuff.

"We can't just sit here" I told him trying to hold back my emotions, they'd been out of control recently.

He looked up at me and nodded, but said nothing.

"I'll start then shall I?" I frowned slightly, he wasn't helping at all, "You need to trust me Zayn, I would never go out with Dante, I can't even think about him in that way that's trust never going to happen. He's like my brother! Can you imagine going out with your sister?" I looked at him, he shook his head slightly, "Exactly! We're just getting into a load of pathetic arguments and it's not going to help with the tour rehearsals, nor our relationship. I want to be with you, because..because I love you." I love him. I said it, I really said it. But what if he doesn't love me back? What if he just likes me, or doesn't like me at all. Shut up head!

"I love you too" Zayn's smooth voice said.

"Pardon?" I looked back up at him, a small smile had formed on his lips.

"I said I love you too" He repeated, his smile growing bigger.

"I know I just wanted to hear you say it again" I laughed and winked at him.


"If you two don't sort it out soon we'll leave without you" Frankie called from the hallway causing us to laugh.

"I better be off then" He pulled his arms from around my waist and got up from the couch.

"You can come with us. If you want to" I smiled at him as he bent down to kiss me.

"No, it's fine you guys go have fun. I'll talk to you later" He planted a small kiss on my lips and I followed him to the door.

"Love you!" I called out the door and he gave out a slight chuckle.

"All sorted?" Frankie questioned when I joined her and Dante in the kitchen.

"Yeah we're all good" I beamed, "Shall we go then?"


That day consisted of non-stop laughter. It reminded me of the old times, when it was just the three of us. All we lived for was the weekends, and now everything's changed so much.

But sometimes, change is good, sometimes change is the way forward.

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