Chapter 25

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Luke's POV

It was around 2 in the morning when I heard something downstairs. I slowly made my way down the steps, and saw Violet sitting on the couch with her face in her hands.

I sighed, and went to sit down by her.

"Why are you up?" I asked, and she looked at me.

Tears stained her face, and her eyes were bloodshot.

"Just had a bad dream," she croaked, and put her hand through her faded hair.

"Tell me about it," I said, and she sighed.

"I was at home, and I saw him. Drinking with his buddies, and then I saw her. She was across the room, and they were throwing glass bottles at her. They cut her skin, and I was just standing there. I couldn't move, and all I was hearing was someone saying that I couldn't save her. That I ruined my family. I know there was more, but I just can't remember," she said, and started sobbing in her hands again.

I grabbed her, and hugged her.

"Do you think it was my fault?" She asked.

"I don't think, I know it wasn't your fault. Your family had problems, and they weren't fixable. Sam, she was in a car accident. Those happen all the time, so don't blame yourself. You just got stuck in the wrong life, I guess," I said, and I laid with her on the couch.

"No, I don't think I was born in the wrong life," she said.

I looked at her confused, and she continued.

"I wouldn't have met you. Even though we had problems, you stayed. I don't think I was," she said with a smile, and I started playing with her hair.

"I'll always be here," I assured her, and she fell asleep. I didn't though.

I stayed up thinking about her even though she was right there. I was thinking about what would've happened if I didn't open that DM. Would she be dead? Would her father still be abusing her like he did?

I didn't want to think about it, but they just kept coming up in my mind. But then again, she's safe now, and she's alive. Struggling, but alive.

I didn't realize what time it was until my alarm went off at 8. I quickly turned it off so I don't wake Violet, and got up to make breakfast.

We weren't staying here for long because we have a surprise for Violet. She probably doesn't want us to, but we're letting her stay with us for a bit in our house. We didn't want her staying in a small apartment by herself, and were also bring her on tour too.


Violets POV

I woke up, and it was about maybe 9. What got me up off the couch was the smell of food, and I walked into the kitchen to see Luke, Liz, and Ashton finishing breakfast.

I helped out a bit till it was done, and we all were awake besides Michael.

"Luke, go get Michael before he sleeps into next year," Liz said, but I told her I would do it.

I ran up the stairs, and found Michael sleeping soundly. That wasn't going to last long.

I jumped on him, and then he yelled at me.

"Breakfast, dickhead," I said, and he got right up.

After breakfast, the guys went out with Ashton's sibling, but they wanted me to stay here to make sure I was okay from last night.

Liz and I talked for a bit, and I saw Luke's baby pictures which were fantastic. Then she started bringing up last night.

"Hun, about last night, I didn't mean for that to happen. I didn't know, an-"

"It's okay, really. You didn't know so you shouldn't blame yourself," I interrupted, and she smiled.

"You know, you and Luke are cute together," she said, and I blushed.

"Well, we're kinda on a break, I guess," I said, and she frowned.

"Why's that?" She asked.

"Well, we started having a few problems, but I think it's better now," I said with a smile.

"He really likes you," she said."He calls me up mostly to talk about you."


"Yeah, he's really never been like this with a girl before," she told me, and the. Started talking about his past relationships.

It was kinda funny, and cute. Like there was this one girl who he had a big crush on, and did like everything for her till he had the confidence to ask her out. Apparently, that only lasted 2 weeks.

After another hour of talking to Liz, the guys came home arguing about who won in bowling.

"No, I won! It was on the damn tv scoring thingy!" Ashton yelled.

"But you had Luke do most of your turns since you were lazy!" Michael said.

"But still!" Ashton huffed.

They all agreed that both Luke and Ashton won, which I thought was stupid.

We all talked about when we were leaving, and everything else like packing and shit.

We were leaving in 2 days, but they didn't say where we were going.

"Why won't you tell me?" I whined to Luke that night.

"Because it's a surprise," he grinned, and I threw a pillow at him. I wanted to know so I was sure I want getting kidnapped. I don't like surprises.

"Well, it's unfair," I said, and crossed my arms.

"Don't worry, it's a good surprise," he said, and he had a mischievous look on his face.



It's me

The queen bush

I'm so childish, but guess who's back and hopefully here to stay


That's who

I'm sorry I've been inactive for a few months

School really has me in a chokehold right now, but it ends next week

Thank god

Well I hope you guys liked this, and share with people since your nice

Bye :)

Also check out my new book

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The first chapter is up and it's sucks

Bye friends

Forgive and forget l.h ≪book 2≫Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora