Chapter 36

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Don't beat my ass up quite yet. Hey! I'm back! I've said that way too many times but I am back and hopefully staying till I finish this damn book. A lot of stuff has been happening lately and writers block is such an ass but i was reading and i got inspo so  lets go

Violets POV

"Violet! Let's go!" Luke screamed from the top of the hotel stairs. He decided to take the stairs because the elevator was too "crowded". There was 3 fucking people.

"You're the one who chose the stairs. I wish I went with Ashton on the other elevator."

"Well, I don't have patience and you love me, so shut up," Luke said as he struggled to pull his suitcases up the stairs.

We finally got up to the hotel rooms and Ashton was gladly waiting there for us.

"Glad you could finally make it. I didn't have the key, thanks to your dumbass of a boyfriend," Ashton snapped, and Luke rolled his eyes as he opened the hotel room door.

I walked in, and it was bigger than our usual room. More spacious and luxurious than normal. Luke passed by me and placed our stuff down as I heard Ashton go into his room next door.

"What's up with the fancy room? We're only staying for two nights," I questioned him, and all he did was shrug.

"Management has been gaining more money which means better rooms, I guess," He shrugged again, and turned back to unpack some items from the luggage.

"Okay, but I liked the rooms we used to get. It made me feel more normal than famous like you guys," I commented, and Luke turned his head around to face me.

"Well, when you date a famous band member, you're bound to get some quality things. I mean, we eat at fancy restaurants at times, go shopping at fancy stores. It's just part of being famous," He said, and walked over to me.

"If you don't like it, we could just ask for another room. Let's go down to the f-"

"I didn't say I didn't like it. It's just... different than what I'm used to. I'm not the one for changing things, yknow?" I asked, and he nodded.

"Yeah, I know," He said simply and went back to unpacking.

"What time are you going for soundcheck? Cause I want to come see where the fun actually is," I tease, and he chuckles.

"We're leaving in 30 minutes so you better be ready, or we're gonna eave without you."

You could never do that to me. You love me to much," I joke, and he rolls his eyes.

"You better not be fucking cause I'm coming in!" Michael screamed from the other side of the door, and he swung it open. "I have arrived."

"You need to lower your voice before we get kicked out of this hotel, Clifford," Luke argued, and Michael put his hands up in defeat.

"You gotta hurry up because they want us at soundcheck earlier than we thought," Ashton belted as he walk into the room.

"Shit. Can't they wait?" Luke complained, and Ashton shook his head no.

"Let's go before they get pissed," Calum yelled from the hall.

We all quickly sprinted down the hallway and once we got into the elevator, everyone just started laughing. This band is such a mess that once the elevator door opened, we all started running again till Calum face planted into the door of the hotel.

"Nice going. Now let's go!" Michael commanded and we were all on our way to the car that had to be across a busy street.

We finally got to the stadium for soundcheck, and I honestly thought this was like a remake of the Breakfast Club scene where they're running in the halls. We ran for 5 minutes till we finally found the stage, and their manager didn't look too happy.

They ran onto the stage, and they started playing their setlist. I sat in the arena seats as they played, and I enjoyed the music while I check social media.

"Why is Luke dating her?"

"Luke has made some bad decisions in his life and she is definitely one of them"

"She isn't even pretty, Luke wth"

I stared at my phone and rolled my eyes. This whole hating thing is pissing me off more now than making me upset. I could honestly care less on what they think anymore. 

I read the comments but mainly focused on the positive. I looked up to see Luke stare at me while they were on break, and he winked. I laughed, and Michael jumped into view, and he jumped on Luke's back which made them fall over.

I giggled at their idiotic behavior and looked back down at my phone. I decided to go on snapchat, and the other day I decided to make it public to 5sos fans. I opened a couple which were mostly people saying they love Luke and the band, and others were people threatening me which made me feel a little uneasy. I closed my phone and smiled at the boys as the played new songs.


Haha hey now

You probably thought I died which I did

but only in the inside


so what's new my homies

yall probably hate me for not updating for the past 4 months

and i apologize with all my heart

I just lost my passion for writing this book since I feel like its going nowhere

I mean it has so many view and I love you all for that!

but i feel like theres so many filler chapters than main story

so im sorry for my poor updating

but things like this happen

and I hope you guys understand

I love you all and stay happy

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Aug 05, 2017 ⏰

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