Chapter 1

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*RING...RING... RING...*

Zhi hui P.o.v
It was my alarm clock i set yesterday before i go to sleep, it was 5:00am in the morning, so i jump out of my bed and take my towel, i go to the bathroom and take a shower after that i brush my teeth and go out from the bathroom

I get into my room and wear my school uniform, i tied my hair into ponytail

I go downstairs and i saw my mom and my dad with my twin or should i say evil twin?

Normal P.o.v

As you can see here, zhi hui have a twin or should i call her evil twin? Whatever, her name is zhi xin.. the two of them have a really different personality

(Skip time)
~at school~
Zhi Hui P.o.v
"Zhi Hui!!!" A girls called me, i turn and i saw my besties, my favorite 'girl' friends

"Victoria, Cayla!! I missed you guys so much" i run to them and give them my big friendly hug, they hug me back, as soon as we broke the hug

"I cant believe it!!!" Victoria scream "yea, i know right, lets hope they'll be our class mate!!" Said cayla

What are they talking about, believe what? And who are they they are referring to?

"Umm.. guys? Could you explain to me what just happen? And who are they you referring to? Why do you want them to go in the same class with us? And believe in what victoria? Would you mind explaining it to me?" I ask "what?? You dont know?? god, how come??" Victoria say in shock voice

"Well, miss zhi hui, this school will have a new pop star students, and they are super cute, you should go check them" say cayla "can you two just tell me who are they??" I ask in serious face

"Chill girl, no need go be mad, they are TFboys, the hottest and the cutest bandboy in china" cayla explain

"Zhi zhi (my nick name for my besties) cayla, we need to go to our class as soon as possible before were late for our first class!" Vic say in scare mood..

Sometimes vic are too, i dont know, she easily change her mood...

Well i admit, me, cayla and Victoria are TFboys fans, but were not to obsessed with them..


~IN Class~
"Good morning class, i'm mrs.ying, as you can see, i will be your home teacher for this year, and.. we will have three new students gonna join us today" said mrs.ying

All the girls start to scream, and there i can see 3boys come from the door..

Thats it, i cant hold, they are too cute,i ask Victoria and cayla to not scream or show the three of them that we are their fans..

They wont like to sit with girl that obsessed or looks like they want to flirt..

So we decide to just ignore the boys and the girls that crazy over them..

"Okey girls, satel down , boys you may introduce yourself" say mrs ying..

"Ni hao, my name is Wang Jun kai, just call me karry. Please take care of me, thank you" said the tall guy with his smile, i admit he do have a wonderful smile..

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