Chapter 17

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Jackson P.o.v

"Its because.. Cause.. Cause.. I um.. i.. dont want you to be far far away from me. I would be too bored if you're not around.." i said. I was just make it up.. i'm still afraid to tell her the truth..

She blush. Then she smirk "what?" I ask. "Why don't you want we to keep a long distance?" She ask.

Seriously?.. maybe this is the right time to tell her.. "cause I Lo-" *BAMM*
(someone open the door harshly)

"Hey lil sis, mom and dad are home.. they already come home!! Come on pack our stuff, i cant wait to sleep on my bed!, i miss my pillows!! " it was zhi xin with the others.
Garh. I haven't finished my sentence yet.. you zhi xin..

Wait.. why cayla Victoria and Zheng yang is here?.. duh.. nvm.. but wait.. zhi xin say their parents already back from other country? Noo... i will miss zhi hui! I look at her. She look ay me and give a smile..

That smile look pain.. thats a fake smile..

"Let me help you pack your things.. come on" i say and take her hand.

Zhi hui P.o.v

"Let me help you pack your things.. come on" he say.. i feel like.. i dont want to go home yet.. he look sad..

We just talk about how we feel when we are separate. And now.. we're really separating.. he hold my hand and pull me upstairs

I stop in front of the room where i sleep for this one month nearly two. Jackson pull me inside.. he sit on the bed. I still stand up infront of him. I walk to the door and close it..

I pack my clothes. I put all my things inside my bag while he help me bring my school bag and rilakuma. We finished pack my thing. Since zhi xin haven't finish doing her thing. Me and Jackson decided to talk for a while. Just the two of us.

He take me inside his room. His room is full of rilakuma posters, stickers, dolls, pillows. Wow.. he is a big fan of rilakuma.

I have something to say to him.. i dont want anyone else to hear this.. this is a confession..

I was going to say something when he cut me "zhi hui.." i wait for him to continue his word..

He take a deep breath then continue "i want to tell you something.. " he stop. And look at me..

"I want to tell you this thing before but i'm too shy.." he add then blush..

Awww... he is so cute with that blush.. no zhi hui.. snap out..

"I.. I-I.. I love you.. i start to realize i like you when we first met each other.. when we were staring to each other.. you blush when i stare at you, and i blush when i saw you blush.. but it's okey if you dnt like me. I just want to tell you.." then he smile and look on the floor.

I was totally shock.. i dont aspect that he gonna confess to me today. Actually i already know cause karry tell me about it when we go to the mall. The day i saw zhi xin and Jackson kissing in his room.

I still remember karry plan. (Sorry guys. I make you wait for so long time to know what karry plan on chapter 7, anw karry plan is on Jackson P.o.v) It was unbelievable..

I walk to him and sit next to him. I lay my head on his shoulder..

Back to Jackson P.o.v

I feel relive that i already confess to her, i just look on the floor. If she dont like me back. I wont mad at her. Its her feelings not mine.

I understand if she still afraid to trust any boys cause what happened to her and jason last time. I don't think she gonna trust me easily.

Then i feel something heavy on my shoulder. I look at it. It was zhi hui head. I lay my head over her head. Then i reach her hand and hold it. She hold my hand back.

"I love you too.." she reply.. am i dreaming? She say she love me to? "What did you say?" I ask. To make sure i wasn't hearing a wrong thing..

She pull her head back and face me. She look at me and smile. "I say i love you too silly.. , how many time should i repeat it?" Then she giggle

Then she stop and stare at me again.. she come closer to me and hug me.. our cheeks was next to each other. "I gonna miss you" she say.

Slowly i hug her back. "I gonna miss you too" I hug her tightly.. i feel like i want to stop the time and just stay like this forever...

"Hey guys, i'm fi-" it was zhi xin. Her words stop. Me and zhi hui break our hug. Then look at the door. Zhi xin close her eyes with both of his hand. "i dont see it! I swear" she say. We laugh so hard that make zhi xin put her hands down.

"Stop that. I'm finished packing my things. Should we go now lil sis? Anw, Jackson we gonna separate you guys just a block away from here. If you miss her come to our house then" zhi xin say and giggle

"Okey big sis. I'll catch up later. You go first" zhi hui reply.

"For you its like a block away, for me separate with zhi hui its like a miles away.." I say and I look at me and hold her hand.

"Whatever Jackson. I'll go down stairs with the others okey? If you want to stay here just stay. We're going to our house. " we nod and soon she leave.

"Well.. actually Jackson.. i already knew that you like me.." zhi hui said. I'm like.. what???

"Do you remember the day when you left the house because i go with karry? Karry was planning to make you jealous by.." she stop "by what?" I ask "he said. He will pretend that he want to kiss me in front of you. He say that once me and him almost kiss like 2cm away.. you you stop him and do something..." she say

"That karry! I gonna kill her if he kiss my girlfriend!" I reply. What he think he's doing?! I gonna kill you later xiao kai!

"So...." I was waiting for what next.. she like want me to guess it.. i give her a 'what?' Look "so...? So what?" I ask

She then blush and ask "so.. are we officially a couple right now?" Ohoho.. so thats why.. i laugh a little "yes dear.. we are officially couple. I dont need to tell " and then i see that she laugh

I can see she blush so hard. "Dont call me dear in front of everyone.. it is embarrassing.." she say "who cares? I'm your boyfriend i can call you anything i want" i say and i try to make a funny face.

She laugh so hard. I like to see her like this.. "come on. Dont you want to introduce your new boyfriend to your parents? " i ask then wink at her.

She blush so hard. This is the first time i do a wink to her.. "yea.. come on. They already left the house. I cant wait to see my parents i miss them so much!"

She then smile. I stand up and hold her hand. We go out from the house and walk to zhi hui house. Its not that she bring a lot of things.. so it won't be too heavy to bring her things to her house.

Once we come to zhi hui house.. we we're shocked.. why are they here?!
To be continue
Author note:
Hey guys. As i promise yesterday.. i'll update a new chapter today. Sorry for make you all like 'what happened??'
Also sorry for my mistakes as in (grammar, typos, broken English)
i know this chapter is not really the interesting chapter.. sorry guys.. and sorry for this short chapter😅😭

Btw. Who is the person Jackson and Zhi hui saw when they arrive at zhi hui house? It will be on the next chapter😄😄
Hope you guys enjoy reading this chapter💖💖 even tho i know its bad..

Enough with this chit chat...
please wait for the next chapter💖
Love ziah.xoxo😘💕🐱🐰🐵🍀

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