Chapter 16

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Jackson P.o.v

Me and zhi hui go home early. We haven't tell our friends about what we heard at the cafe. It was unbelievable..

~flashback~(XM-Xiao mei, JS-Jason) conversation:

Xm- Jason...we need to do something about zhi hui and Jackson.. i can see you still like zhi hui since at break time you always follow everywhere she go.

Js- how do you know that??

Xm- duh.. i follow Jackson everywhere he go and ofc. He always go with zhi hui every break time. And yeah. I see you cause we follow them together

Js- Could you please don't say the word 'together' its disgusting..

Xm- fine.. whatever i dont care.. so do you want her back?

Js- duh.. ofc i want her..

Xm- yea.. i know you still want her.

Js- wut?..if you know i still want her why did you ask stupid?

Xm- Shut up. So i have a plan how to make Jackson and Zhi Hui hate each other..

Js- How?..

Xm- well.. do you know how to kill a people in the game? By using a gun?

Js- yea. I use a gun to kill them. Its so easy like bam bam bam then bushh!

Xm- childish.. so, will you kill Zhi hui like you kill the people in the game?

Js- what!!?? If i kill Zhi hui? Then she'll die, you get Jackson and then what will i get? Zhi hui grave?

Xm- Argh, cant you think properly. I will make zhi hui eat a drugs that make her sleep for a long time. You take her to another country.. dont you ever come back!. I gonna act like i was been kidnap to so when Jackson come. That time i act like i was sleeping because i gonna eat the drugs too. When i wake up.. i wil forgot everything.. so when zhi hui wake up. She gonna remember the last person she saw that is you. So you tell her that you are her boyfriend. If she ask where is her parents just say that her parents die a long time ago.

Js- wow wowo wow.. thats alot to remember. But the important thing i wanna say is ARE YOU CRAZY?? I never do a crime... this is serious! This is kidnapping!
Xm- whatever! Don't care! I want my Qianxi back! I would do anything tp get him

Js- but not this way you stupid!

Xm- do you want to get zhi hui back or no?

Js- fine.. whatever.. but i dont want to go to jail because of kidnapping!

Xm- yea.. thats good..
End of flash back

Gosh.. it was horrible! That was a serious case.. kidnapping, trying to kill a person, giving a drugs.. oh my god...

Zhi Hui P.o.v
I saw Jackson was daydreaming.. i sit next to him and just stare at him.. still he's looking at the blank wall..

Is he still thinking about what we heard at the cafe?.. I know that's bad.. but.. i dont know what to do.. i'm scared that Xiao mei and Jason plan gonna go as they plan.. i dont want to forget Jackson.. i dont want to be far far away from him.. why? Cause i love him..

Do i love him? I'm not sure... what if he turn out to be just like Jason?..

Then i feel something heavy was on my shoulder, i turn and it was Jackson head.. i touch his hair firmly..

"I dont want you to be far away from me.." he say. I stop what i'm doing.. "why? Jac-"

"Qianqian, Yangyang" he cut me. I'm blank. "Uh what?" I ask. "Just call me Qianqian or Yangyang" he said but still his head was on my shoulder.

"Why? I like Jackson rather than QianQian or Yangyang." I reply "call me one of my Chinese name. Please.. if you can call Karry by his cute Chinese name why i cant?" He say he sit properly and give me a puppy eyes.. i giggle

"Okey okey Qianxi." I say and blush. I dont know what i'm blushing for.. seriously zhi hui? Why are you blushing?

"Qianxi? Thats my normal name. Call me my cute namee.. like junkai ge.. you put his name xiao kai" he said and pouting.

"Junkai ge is like my real brother he is sweet and also he always support me in everything i do.. he ask me to call him Xiao kai ge last time.. anw QianXi is a cute name for me." then i give him the best smile.

^guys, sorry to interrupt. But i have something to tell you so you wont be confused when reading this chapter. About what zhi hui said that Karry ask her to call him Xiao kai. I didn't show you when he ask zhi hui to call him that. Cause i skip that part since they already live in TF house for one month. Thats too long.. i know.. back to the story^

"Okey, if you say its cute.. i should call you with your cute name also right?" He ask. What a cute name for me? No. No need.

I shoke my head and say no thank you.

"what is your full name?" He ask.

"Xi Zhi Hui" i reply. (I know its weird.. haha.. i cant think of any family name for zhi hui)

"So.. Xi zhi hui.. can you promise me something? " he ask and give me a sad look. Well.. after all he is good in this thing. I always lose to his cute face..

"What is it?" I ask.

"Can you promise me that you wont leave me? You wont be far far away from me?" Jackson ask.

"Why do i need to promise this thing to you?" I ask.. i feel spacious..

"Its because.. cause.. cause.. I.. um..-"
Yey guys.. i know this chapter is short.. i kinda busy this lately. Forgive me because i dont really publish a new chapter everyday like last time.

Also forgive me cause update this one more lame chapter. Sorry guys.. really sorry.. 😭😭😭😭

And sorry again for my mistakes as in (grammar, typos, broken english)huuu😭😭

Enough with this chit chat. I'll make it up to you on the next chapter i promise😘
Love ziah.xoxo💕🐱🐰🐵🍀

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