chapter 7

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Zhi hui P.o.v
*ring ring ring*
I wake up, but my eyes still close, i take my phone and open the battery, the alarm is so annoying arghh

Then i slowly open my eyes, i saw.. Jackson?!

Why is he here? Then i remember what happened yesterday..

Oh no, it was.. Aaaaaaaaaa!!!

I was thinking to jump out of my bed to take my shower, i just realized i was still in his hug..

I try to get off from that hug,but he hug me more thight

I look at the clock the it was 7:04am, i'm glad it is weekend, or else we will be late to school..

How am i going to get out from this bed?

I have no choice.. but to wake him

(10 minutes later...)

What the... i cant wake him, i push, him i shake him, i call him, still didn't work..

I cant give up, i need to wake him up...

20minute later...

Huuu.... i failed... i cant wake him... Huuu..

I shake him and call him.. "you can't wake him unless you do something that he wont aspect you to do" i almost scream hearing a voice... i turn and i saw karry

I just realized that karry was looking at me and Jackson in this embarrassing position.. Aaaaaaaaaaaa

" what make you come to my room this morning? " i ask, try to take his attention

"Oh, yea, i was thinking to wake Jackson, i dont understand this one question but i didn't see him in his room, so i go to roy room but he was not there, i just realized he text me told me he was going on a hangout with cayla.. so i go to your room to ask but i saw you trying to wake someone, and i saw Jackson.. " he reply

"Oh.. i'll help you with your homework, wait me in your room, i'll go upstairs later after i take my bath" then he nod, he close the door

Then i look at Jackson back, he was still sleeping, aww... so cute... what? Arghhh stop it zhi hui

Um... karry say he will wake up if i do something he nevr aspects me to do.. um..

I have a plan..

I come close to his sleeping face, i have no choice.. my cheeks was hot.. blushing? my lips search for his red soft lips that kissed mine yesterday night and.. i land my lips on him..

I close my eyes..

Jackson P.o.v

I feel something soft on my lips, it was sweet.. i slowly open my eyes, it was zhi hui, she close her eyes.. then i kiss her back i close my eyes

Until she slowly broke the kiss.. then she smile.. smile that i think have a meaning..

Then she run and took her towel and clothes that she already put yesterday night before i came maybe..

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