Chapter 18

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Zhi hui P.o.v

Once we reach my house.. Jackson just stop. I look at him. He just stare and look straight in front like he's shock.. no.. he looks more like he just saw a ghost..

I turn and... what are they doing here? Xiao mei Jason Andy Rosey and Izy? What are they doing here?! Where is my parents? Where are my friends?!

"Well.. well.. well.. hii Jackson.. do you miss me honey?" Xiao mei ask. And all of them walk in front of us..

"Xiao mei... wheres zhi hui parents? Where are the others?" Jackson ask.

"Why Jackson? They are save.. dont worry.. they gonna be save in the heaven soon ofc..." Rosey reply

"Zhi hui.. do you miss me darling?" Jason walk to me and grab my hand harshly. I really feel disgusting when he call me darling.. but the way he grab my hand harshly its pain..

"Miss you? Huh? Why on earth she gonna miss a boyfriend who cheat on her? And Xiao mei, why on earth i gonna miss you slut?" Jackson say, he pull Jason hand away and  stand in front of me..

"Are you okey?" Jackson ask but still look at jason. I nod. Well actually i'm not oky.. but i cant say i'm not okey..

"Dont you ever touch her or-" Jason cut Jackson "or what? I'll die? Can you really kill me?"

Jackson just stop his words.. i can see that he is really mad..

"Where is our friends? Where is zhi hui parents? " Jackson ask again "you want to know where are they? Come tonight to the blossom street near our school..( its just a fake street) you just go straight until you see a old house ,come at 9:45pm" Rosey said.

What she want?I look back at xiao mei and the others. "Okey fine! We'll met you tonight. But if you hurt them, you guys will pay!"

"Izy, andy, aren't you gonna say anything to this two before we leave??" Rosey ask and give a glare to Izy. She smirked.

"You go into the car first.. we want to talk with these two slut alone" Izy say. Slut? This is not the Izy i know.

Even i'm not really know her. She always be the sweet girl.. gush! She is a really good actor after all!

Xiao mei Jason and Rosey get into the Car. After they close the door andy and Izy start to talk.

"Jackson, Zhi hui. We're sorry about what happened just now.. your parents are safe.. dont worry. This is all Rosey plan actually. We all know that you guys heard what Xiao mei and Jason talk about last time.. we're at the corner near the window watching you two hearing what the two couple say." Izy explain.

Wait.. did i just heard 'what the two couple say'?? Are they couple

"Why are you telling us this when you are on Their side?" Jackson ask. Yea. Is this a trap or she's really telling us the truth?

"Look. Me and Izy just start couple last week. So I decide not to have a revenge on cayla or Roy. And Izy don't want to get her revenge on karry cause playing her heart. While Xiao mei and Jason start dating last night. They told each other they want to betray us unfortunately we heard it. Luckily Rosey was not with us. She go to her house to take something. We tell Xiao mei and Jason that we dont want to take a revenge on them. So the four of us agree that we gonna betray Rosey. And we are on your side Not Rosey side"  Andy explain

"Then why did xiao mei and jason look so evil just now?.." i ask..

"Oh i'm sorry for calling you Slut just now.. i know its sounds weird and its not me at all.. and sorry for what the two say just now except for Rosey cause we're just acting so Rosey didn't suspect anything." Izy reply

"Met us at the back of the school later" Andy say and push Jackson harshly until he fall down.

"Damn, thats hurt a lot" Jackson say. I help him stand up

"Anw. Good actors guys. Go ahead i think they gonna suspect something when you we're taking a lot if time talking with us." Jackson say.

"Thank you mr.Yi, we'll met you later mr. And mrs Yi" Andy reply then laugh evilly

Then they walk into the car and left..

"We have to call the police now" Jackson say and I nod.
So this is it.. i wont double check my story so forgive my mistakes as in (grammar, typos and broken english) i know this is a boring chapter😓 sorry, really sorry

anw What will happen to zhi hui parents and their friends?? Please wait for next chapter😁

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Love ziah.xoxo❤🐱🐵🍀

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