Chapter 11

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Roy P.o.v

I woke up early today since it was school day, i go down to the kitchen. I take a milk out from refrigerator and drink it

After that i go out side our balcony and i saw a girl.. what i mean two girls. I never saw them before, looks like they just come here

I saw them taking a big bag, maybe they put their clothes there..

I was planning to come early today.. i can't wait to see Cayla today. Today was our first day couple.

I go upstairs and take a bath after a minute i come out and use my school uniform. I go down stairs and take a cup of milk again and go out from house

Izy P.o.v
I just come to this country this morning.. why do i need too come to school today?? Cant i have a rest? Arghh!

I quickly take a bath and use my new school uniform since my aunt already prepare everything for me

I'm living with my aunt and my parents have a work at another country so i have to stay with my aunt..

"Izy, come on, you gonna be late to school, School gonna start in 15more minutes" she said. What? 15minutes? Damn..

"I'm coming " i say

Then i get into the car. Its only take about 4or5 minutes to go to the school. I get out from the car and go to the principal office.. i have to wait outside the room.. with a girl that don't I know

After 10 minutes my aunt, a women and the principal come out from the office.. soon they aunt leave. The principal call our home room teacher and the teacher introduce herself and take us to our class

Both of us have the same class. Once we go in the class everyone eyes was looking at us. I swear, i really hate when people starring at me like that.

The teacher ask us to introduce our self

"Hello, my name is Izy, i'm new here, i'm from Canada, please take a good care of me" i say

"Hi, my name is Rosey, please take a good care of me" she say

then the teacher ask us to sit at the back of TF Boys. Who is TF Boys anw? Me and Rosey look at each other..

"Um.. mrs.ying? Who is TF Boys?" I ask... All the class start to mumbled.. urgh.. are they a star or hot boys in this school?

"Oh, you don't know.. TFboys.. rise up your hand. Rosey gonna sit at the back of roy and Izy you gonna sit at the back of karry.." the teacher say.. both of us walk to our seats

We realize that there's a girl sit between of us..

"Hi.. i'm xiao mei, nice to meat you Izy, and hii again Rosey, long time no see... hope we can be friends again" she say to the girl name Rosey..follow by her smile.. i admit, she is pretty after all

But what is her relationship with Rosey? Arhh, I dont care, non of my business..

Then the class starts..
--------skip time--------
Cayla P.o.v
*ring ring ring*
The whole class already know about me and Roy. I'm glad that they ship us.. i thought they gonna hate us..

The bell ring.. at last the bell ring.. i'm too bored.. anw.. i wanted to talk and walk with roy to the canteen

I turn around to look at roy, but what i see? Roy is going out from the class with the newbie... what the hack?!

I look at the floor until i saw someone shoe was in front of me. I look up, and i saw a Andy

"Um.. cayla.. i know you are Roy girlfriend.. but.. he was not here since he with the newbie.. may i take you go with me to the canteen? " he ask.. i was going to say no.

When i saw the door was open and Roy was coming in. I'm so happy he was there. suddenly the newbie come from the back of him and back hug him..

I was speechless+shock.. Roy didn't do anything he just look at me.. it look like Roy was comfortable with that hug.. i look at Andy and i quickly grab his hand. That make him shocked

I stand up, before that i look at roy in jealousy and pull Andy out of the class.. i hear all of our classmate was saying something about our couple..

Roy... it was just one day.. we just couple for one day and you already make a newbie hug you infront of me??

Roy P.o.v
The class end.. its time to eat!!! YES!! I'm really hungry..

Then i feel a hand on my shoulder... i turn and i saw Rosey... oh not Now!

"We need to talk" she say and pull me out of the class room "what do you want Rosey?" I ask "i want you Roy... i'm sorry because i keep on hurting your heart.. i want you back please forgive me, please? Its already 4years ago since our breakup.. come on.." she say and her eyes look like she gonna cry

I dont want to fall in that tears of her.. i turn around and go in the class when i saw cayla was talking to Andy. I know andy is cayla ex boyfriend. But weird thing.. they never kiss each other..

Then i feel something was at the back of me.. i know it was Rosey.. i look at cayla.. she look like she's shocked.. i don't know what happened to me

It was like, i don't want to let go Rosey hug. I just stare at cayla without doing anything until she hold Andy hand and go out from the class with him..

All the class start to mumbled. Thats make me Let go of Rosey hug and go out from the class to ask for help from karry and Jackson..

What will happen to me and Cayla??
Author note:
Hii guys.. as i promise last two days i'll publish the next chapter today..
Sorry because this chapter is short.. also
Sorry because the lame ideas of this chapter and sorry if have typo or broken English, sorry, really sorry, So.. Rosey and Izy is the new character..

For your information Rosey is Zheng yang sister... their father send Rosey study to New York when she was 5. She stay with her aunt there for 9years..

I'm sorry for this awful chapter.. i'll makr sure i'll keep it up on the next chapter.. once again sorry for my mistakes.. i dont double check it... haha my bad.. sorry

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