Ch20-Last Chapter!!

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Daniel P.o.v (twins father)

"Can you two give me a favor?" I ask
"What is it Mr.xi?" They ask me in sync
"Can you both-" "Daniel! Long time no see old friend!" I was cut by someone..

I turn and there i saw my old friend.. why is he here??

"Adrian? Is this you?? When did you come back from Korea??" I ask... "yes it is me Daniel, its me Adrian.. i come back from korea 2years ago. I search you at your old house but there's no one there.." he explain.

"Dad.. do you know Mr. Xi??" Zheng yang pop out from no where and ask Adrian. Dad? Wait.. what? If zheng yang is Adrian son.. then.. where is lee qiang?

"Mom.. Dad.. who are they?" Zhi xin and Zhi hui ask from no where.. "is this zhi xin and zhi hui?? They are big and pretty now diana..." Adriana ask. She is Adrian wife.

"Yes Adriana.. they are.. zheng yang is your son?" Diana ask. Diana is my wife "Do you have two son? Where is lee qiang??" Diana ask.

"Well.. zhi xin.. do you still remember lee qiang?" Adriana ask.

Zhi xin P.o.v

"Well.. zhi xin.. do you still remember lee qiang??" Ask the woman name Adriana. Who is she?and how did she know lee qiang?? Why did mom say where is lee qiang to her?

"I always remember lee qiang.. always and forever.. who are you? And how do you know lee qiang??" I ask.

"Glad to know that zhi xin.. well.. i just want to ask you one thing.." she say.

"What?" I ask.

"Do you still love lee qiang? Do you still want to see him??" She ask.

Suddenly i forget about zheng yang. I don't remember that he was there.. i totally forget about him..

"Yes. I love lee qiang, forever and always, nothing can change that, i do want to see him.. i miss him so much.. i have been waiting for him like a years.." i start to tear up.. yea..

I miss zheng yang.. i love him since we are still a kids.. i start to like him when he give me a kiss on my cheeks when his mom take him from our house. He did give to zhi hui but i don't even get jealous at all...

Mrs Adriana smile.. and turn to zheng yang. I look at zheng yang and i close my mouth with both of my hand.. i didnt even realize that he was exist and hear what i say just now...

"Mom.. is she the girl??" Zheng yang ask mrs. Adriana

"You better ask her your self..." mrs. Adriana say.

Zheng yang walk in front of me and put down my hand and hold it. Ask my self? Is he lee qiang? His

"Are you the girl i'm searching for?" He ask.

A girl? What girl? "Huh?" I dont know what to reply..

"Are you the girl that try to save me when i was hit by the car when i was 6?.. are you the girl in my dream that always crying in the room and calling my name when you are alone?? Are you a girl in my dream that waiting for me and looking at the window all the time When i have amnesia?? Are you the girl i'm searching for this whole time??" Zheng yang ask... i was speechless..

Everything he say was everything that only me and my tears know.. no one know about this.. i never tell anyone about this.. how can he know? A dream?

"How do you know about this? I never tell anyone about this.. no one.. not even zhi hui." I reply..

Suddenly he hug me.. really tight.. that time i didn't think of anything. Its like everything stop.. is he my lee qiang? Is he lee qiang??  I slowly hug him back... and ask..

"Are you my old lost lee qiang??" He reply "yes zhi xin.. i am lee qiang.. after i have amnesia. My parents change my name so that i won't remember about what happened at the car accident.. but luckily you start to come in my dream and everything happened when we kids start to play in my dreams.. i start to search for you guys.. and i found zhi hui.. starting from that i have been following her to her house until i remember everything about us.." zheng yang explain.

Zheng yang pull zhi hui into our hug. Our old friendship is back!

I was really happy that everything is okey now. I found my long lost love and everyone is save.. zheng yang told me that Rosey is his adopt sister.. Rosey mother is a killer.. her mother die because she die when she try to escape from the people that was her group enemy.. thats why he feel sad for rosey.

Rosey die the same way like her mother die...

Jackson P.o.v

I'm really jealous when zhi hui was hug by zheng yang just now.. Gezzz....

We are sitting at the garden when zhi hui come and sit next to me. I move a bit away from her and give a cute glare to her that can show that i'm jealous..

"My god... my Jackson is still jealous, come on... its just a friendly hug.." she said. Yea i know that just a friendly hug.. but i never see she's that happy when hugging zheng yang...

Then i close my eyes and ears. I don't want to hear anything from her.. i'm still jealous..  and she need to-

Wait.. what is this??  Its soft.. sweet.. i open my eyes and i saw that zhi hui lips was on mine.. i kiss her back. And we stay like that... i wish that i can stop the time and just stay like this..

Slowly she broke the kiss and smile at me.. "i guess i know how to make you cool down.." she say. "I love you zhi hui.. always" i told her that. She blush so hard and reply "i love you too QianXi" she reply.

I hug her, she hug me back. I will protect you no matter what happen... why? Cause i love you...
This is it the last chapter guys 😭😭😭 thanks for all the votes and the support❤ dont worry. I will make a epilogue for this book..
😭😭 huuuu,i cant believe that this book already finished.., thanks again for the support and the votes❤❤
I love you guys 😘💕
Always clovers!🍀
Please wait for the Epilogue❤

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