Chapter 2

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*gring gring gring*

Zhi hui P.o.v
At last, our boring math class is over, i cant even pay attention at class because Jackson keep on taping my shoulder all the time...

When i turn he just act like theres nothing and say 'what? Cant i do that?' Followed by his smile and cute dimples

I cant hold it, i quickly turn infront, i blush so badly, and mrs. Suzy saw it and ask if i'm okey..

Huh.. i almost been caught because of this stupid blush..


"Hey there girls!!" We all scream because we were shock, it was just roy and karry i almost had heart attack

I always wonder why is he being too active?

Then i realize that Jackson is not with them..

"Where's jackson?" I ask "he is in the back of the school, some guys take him from us, so we just left him with the boys"

As soon as Roy finish explaining, me Victoria and cayla look at each other and start to run

Roy P.o.v
As soon as i finish explaining zhi hui, cayla and Victoria look at each other like they know something bad is happening..

They start to run.. me and karry dont know what happened, so we join to run and follow the girls

Zhi hui P.o.v
As soon as we got to the back of the school, all of us see that Jackson laying on the floor and his face was look like it gonna broke into a pieces.. he have a blood near his lips.. we were shock

"Jackson..." i say in soft voice, i can feel that tears streaming down my cheeks..

I run to him "Jackson, wake up, are you okey??" I ask, there's no response from him
I call his name again and still no response...

I was shock + afraid, i dont know why i'm afraid or what is i'm afraid for?

Karry that know shocked seeing his friend laying down with blood near his lips and lots of scratch in his face quickly run to the nursing room to get some help follow by Victoria

While Roy and cayla go to the staff room to call our home room teacher and also getting some help

There it is, just me and Jackson, i called his name again, i put his head above my lap

I shake him, and still no response, i hold his hand tightly.. i look at his face

It was horrible, he got 2 scratch on his face, one is near his lips, second is near his eyebrow.

I look at his eyes, it was beautiful.. i look down at his lips, it was fresh pink, and i saw fresh blood near his lips..

I hold his right hand more tight and whisper+ crying "i'm sorry, you won't get this if you dont talk to me.. its all my fault.. i'm sorry please wake up"

Jackson P.o.v
I heard a voice that call my name, i know who is it, it was zhi hui, i try to open my eyes, but i cant..

I Have A Crush On Him [COMPELETED]Where stories live. Discover now