Chapter 5

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*Ring Ring Ring*

Xiao mei P.o.v
It will be my first day of new school today.. huh... i was still hopping that i could talk to him and say sorry to him..

He just disappeared like that without no news and or what until my class mate told me that he was change into another school last month..

If only i could turn back time.. i really hope that i didn't do that to him.. Jackson.. i'll make sure i get you back this time..

I ignored Jackson for the whole day of the school.. i dont think i have feeling for him anymore..

All of my feeling go to Jason.. yea Jason, a cute guy that i met at pizza hut..

I accidentally bumped him and our pizza fall down, he say sorry and oder one more pizza for me and one for him..

While we wait for the pizza to finish we talk to each other and exchange our phone number

From that day we met, we get know each other and a weeks later he ask for a date, i just simply accepted it

I didn't even think about Jackson cause i'm too happy

Back to the story

I was walking to the park, i saw Jason call someone.. i try to hear what he say

Jason Otp: hey.. i was just hanging out with my cousin... yes she's a girl.. i won't cheat on you... yea okey... yea... fine.. i promise

I cant hold it.. i was mad,

" i'm your cousin? What the hack, i'm your girlfriend, cheat on her? Who's her? Your another girlfriend?" I asked i didn't even say hi

"um.. xiao mei.. hii.. she's my.. um.. this is not like what you think, this is misunderstood.. i can expla-" "shut up you bitc*" i cut him

"Xiao mei, i was just-" "who is he?" I turn, i saw Jackson and his eyes was full of jealousy..

"Who are you? I am xiao mei boyfriend" jason say

I was afraid.. what can i say? ...

"Oh you are her boyfriend.. no wonder you keep on ignored me this whole weeks Xiao mei.. so xiao mei, i guess we are over" he said and followed by his smile

I can't control my self, i feel bad for Jackson.. i shouldn't have another scandal.. he was sweet, i was just can't get enough..

He just go without say anything, the next day i didnt saw him, even other members of tf boys.. until my class mate tell me they change into another school name ___ (i can't think of any school name.. so you can use your school name)
~End of flashback~

Karry P.o.v

It was already 1month since we came to this school and zhi hui and zhi xin still living in our house

We came on school at 6:45am..

We are a little bit early.. Jackson was walking with zhi hui to the canteen to get some snacks

While Roy and Cayla was going to the school roof to take some fresh air

I was alone since Victoria was not yet come.. i was walking near the staff room then i saw this girl.. she was really familiar for me..

Then she turn, OH MY GOD, why is she here? Damn it, Jackson, how... OH MY GOD! this is bad why does she need to show her self when Jackson was already find the other part of his heart

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