Chapter 6

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Jason P.o.v
It been a month i didn't talk to zhi hui.. it was because of the accident at the park 

If only i know that she was there, following me all day after school.. i wouldn't ever do that.. ever

But.. i did.. what am i thinking that time? Xiao mei also, she have a scandal with me and now the guy is in the same school same class as me and zhi hui

He become more close to zhi hui.. i think i have to broke the promise we made 2years ago

Zhi xin P.o.v
I was walking around the school, i try to find Jackson i go near the canteen, i saw xiao mei and Jackson have a fight and i saw my sister she was sitting on the floor

Dont tell me xiao mei push her... and she fall down

Come on sis, you got your karate skills, you are black belt

^i know all the full story about zhi hui and Jason with xiao mei^ #but not Jackson

"Does it hurt? I hope yes" said xiao mei

What?! Who do she think she is? Maybe i never show my love to my sister directly, but i do it from behind her, she just dont realize it

After xiao mei go walk away, i follow her, she go near the store room

Why is she here? I keep following her until i feel my shoulder was been pull my someone, i turn and it was zheng yang

"What do yo-" he close my mouth then he open his classes and brush his head with his hand, it was a different person in front of me rightnow

"You will fail to be a spy if you go too near to them" he say then he give a smirk

I look at his face... he have a very nice eyes like lee qiang, he have a sharp nose like lee qiang and he have a small lips like lee qiang.. why do i see lee qiang on him? He is zheng yang..

"Uhum..." zheng yang clear his trout

It bring back zhi xin in reality, "why are you stairing at me like that?" He ask but looking away

"um.. nothing, you look like a nerd when you are around people, but when you open your glasses and you brush your hair, it was.. not you anymore..  you look -" "Cool?" He cut me

I nod and just look on the ground

"I pretend to be a nerd so that no one will fall in to me.. i got a lot of request when i was still at my old school, i dont want ut happen so yea" he explain i nod

Then we talk talk and talk until we forgot about spying xiao mei
................................(skip time).................................

~at home~
Jackson P.o.v

It was already late... it was 11:57pm

I was in my room, i cant sleep.. i take my rilakuma and hug it.. i still remember how zhi hui experience when she say she lost her rilakuma

Its so cute when she give me a puppy eyes to follow her to take it at her house

I wonder is she asleep?

I jump out of my bed, i take my rilakuma with me and go to her front door..

I knock the door, then in any second the door open

Zhi Hui P.o.v

I cant sleep i dont know why..  huh...

I keep on talking to my rilakuma, and i do many thing because i'm bored..

Then i think about Jackson... he is such a nice guy, i thought he gonna be cold.. but.. who knows i never see his coldness since the first time we know each other

Then i heard a knock on my door, who else still a wake this hour?

I jump of my bed and open the was Jackson.. i think about him just now and after a minute he was here infront of my room.. wow

"Hum.. did i distrub your sleep?" He asked

"Huh? No.. i cant sleep.. i don't know why.. aren't you sleep yet? Its already late" I reply

"Me either.., i cant sleep"  he say

"Come in" i open the door more wide

He Come and lay in my bed hugging his rilakuma and i just realized that he bring his own rilakuma

I giggle "what?" He ask "uh? Nothing " i reply follow by my smile "tell me" he say, "Nothing" i reply

"T.E.L.L M.E" he say in serious face, okey this is scary, i dont want to see his serious face ever again

"It just that you bring your own rilakuma, why dont you borrow mine since i have two rilakuma, do you think i won't let you borrow mine?" I Say

"You let me borrow yours? Just now i think you wont let me borrow yours so i bring mine with me, why are you standing come here" he said

His eyes point to the half of the bed, it was a space for me, i go near him and took my big rilakuma and hug it, i hug it so tight, then i lay next to him

"I wish i'm the one that been hug like that" he say

Then i giggle "this kind of hug is just for my rilakuma" i reply

Then i turn to face a opposite direction, i dont want to sleep looking at his face "can i sleep here? Just for tonight? " he ask

"Sure, its your house, you can sleep wherever you want" i reply

Then j feel something on my body, i look at it, it was a hand," can i hug you? Just tonight? " he ask.  i turn around, Jackson.. our face was just too close, i even can kiss him that time..

Then he look at my eyes, and take the advantage, he did, he kiss me on my lips,he slowly close his eyes.

At first i'm shock to.. the i close my eyes and kiss him back, his lips was sweet, its soft, it was just perfect kiss

It last longer then i aspects.. suddenly i feel like i need fresh air, i slowly broke the kiss, i don't wanna be to fast he may think i'm a harsh kisser

Then he open his eyes and smile, i smile to..

He hug me closer to him.. my face was near his chest, i can hear his heart beat..

Then we fall asleep in that position..
Author note:
Sorry i didn't publish this chapter yesterday. I was thinking to finish and publish it yesterday but i was over slept, that make me unfinish this chapter
Anw, how do you think about this chapter?  Please tell me if theres anything i miss or wrong on doing on my story, leave a comments. I'll make sure i keep it up

Hope you enjoy reading this chapter
Love ziah.xoxo

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