Chapter 12.

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A/N: this chapter contain badwords, so please dont blame me because of the badwords cause i already warn you..

Karry P.o.v

Me, Victoria, zhi hui and Jackson walk in the school corridor... we go out from the class to give some private to Cayla and Roy couples..

We go to the school park.. there we saw Roy was running through us.. "what happened? Wheres cayla??" I ask

"You never gonna believe this, Rosey hug me infront of cayla.. then i saw cayla was shock and look at andy after that she hold andy hand and pull him out of the class with her.. what am i going to do? And what is her relationship with that fucking guy anyway?" Roy ask

"Andy is Cayla ex boyfriend.." Victoria say

"They are a great, sweet, lovely, and the cute couple ever" zhi hui add

"Both of them broke up because Andy need to study to America and leave there.." zhi hui continue

"Then Cayla decided to let him go because she have no choice.. after 2 or 3 year Andy at America.. he come back to take Cayla.. unfortunately Cayla dont want him anymore.. she like you... and soon you guys came.. thats make cayla dont like you but love you.." Victoria finished..

"That was horrible.. poor Andy.. But.. Cayla already mine and.. now looks like cayla trying to accept him back.. Damn it ,huuuu... zhi hui, Victoria.. please help me.. i'll do whatever you want me to do.. zhi hui. If you help me i'll make Jackson love you and ask for couple. Victoria if you help me i'll help you get karry heart " roy say

Zhi hui, Jackson, karry and Victoria Blush so hard.. they didn't even look at each others..

"Oh come on.. guys... dont be too romantic here... would you help me? Please i'm begging" roy say

"Okey fine.. we will help you..not because we want you to do the stupid thing you said just now.." zhi hui said

"Oh glad, thank you" Roy say

We smile to each other.. we walk to the canteen to find cayla.. i ask them to go first cause i need to go to the toilet.I come out from the toilet when i bump into something or maybe someone

I fall down.My precious butt kiss the floor.. it is pain.. i feel that it gonna broke into a piece until i saw a girl in front of me.. she also sit on the floor..

Then i look at her face. Oh its Izy

"Hey, sorry.. i accidentally bump into you.. you are Izy right? If i'm not wrong.. cause maybe i have a blur version after falling down" i say then i help her stand up

"Yea.. i'm Izy.. who are you anw?" She ask

"I'm karry. Nice to met you.. um.. where are you going? " i ask

"I'll go to the library to take some books to read" she reply and both of us start to walk slowly to the library

"Are you some kind of the dump nerd?, cause you dont look like you're one of them" pointing on the nerd in the library

She giggle "what make you think i'm not one of them? " she ask

"Cause you are more prettier Then them, and they are more fucking ugly then you?" I reply

The two of us laugh so hard until i feel pain in my stomach..

Victoria P.o.v

We wait for karry at the canteen.. he take too long time in the toilet.. i'm curious.. where is he? He should be here right now

"Um.. guys.. you go first, i'll go call karry.. see you" as soon as i finish my word i quickly run to find karry..

My kitten where are you?..

Roy P.o.v
"That doesn't sound good.. lets follow them first.. i don't think karry still in the toilet.. he don't like to be in the toilet for a long time, you guys know it right" i say

"Yea.. maybe karry help someone? Or maybe the teacher call him?" Zhi hui reply


Both of us look at Jackson. His phone rang..

"what?? Do you guys really need to stare at me like that? I think i got a message" he said and take out his phone

He read it and his face look shocked..

"What happened???" Me and Zhi hui ask in Sync

He just stare at us.. "what the hell is happening Jackson?!" Zhi hui ask

Then soon Jackson start to laugh.. what the hell??..

"Guys, you just take it too serious, here, karry just text me.." he say and give his phone to zhi hui. Zhi hui take it and i come near her to read karry text

From: Karry -Junkai
To: Jackson -Qianxi
Hey Jackie, You all go first, i'm a bit busy here, you know what,i caught this pretty girl when i just come out from the toilet. Wanna know who? It was Izy, the newbie in our classroom, the one that sit behind me.. yea. You know her rite, dont let Victoria search for me.. i don't want her to see me with another girl, you know what i gonna do rite now right? Yeah! Playboy is ON!!!! Hahah, gtg Jackie, muah♥♥see you in classroom

As soon as me and zhi hui finish reading the text, we look at each other in shocked..

What the hell, Jackson! "Um.. why are you looking at me like that?" Jackson ask..

"You bitch, Karry say don't let Victoria search for him! What if Victoria see him with that Izy?" Zhi hui say and knock Jackson head three times..

"Come on lovely couple, karry will be mad if he know we let Victoria search for him!" I say

I dont know what, but i forgot about Cayla and my problem for a while.. i dnt want the TF Couple broke into a pieces..

"Hey, where is Zhi xin? Do you guys know where is her?" A guy voice come out from no where..

All of us turn around and i saw a guy. The guy that last time told me and Jackson that the girls are in the musical room

"Um... Hii zheng yang, maybe she's with her friends at the musical room playing the instruments"zhi hui say... "wait... are you guys dating? " she add

Then he just smile and blush.. haah we all know the answer soon he leave and we quickly run to find Victoria
Author note;
So this is for today, i'm sorry guys for this lame chapter again, i kinda stuck, haah.. i'm sorry for not keeping my promise yesterday.. sorry really sorry..

Sorry for my typo and bad English,...
So.. what will happen to this two TF Couples? Lets wait for next chapter♥♥

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