Chapter 14

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Zhi Hui P.o.v
I woke up because of the alarm. My hand was searching for the clock until then I feel like I can't move my body.. I open my eyes a little and look at the back I was completely shock!

What is Jackson doing here? Why is he here? Do he hug me from last night or what?.. then i quickly get the clock and close the alarm. He may wake up because of it.

I just remember I fall asleep and hug my rilakuma.. Wait.. Last night my rilakuma feels differ-

No.. No no no.. Don't tell me I hug him.. I turn and saw my two rilakuma was on the table..

This is embarrassing!! Then I turn to Jackson again.. 'He won't woke unless you do something he never aspect you to do'
How am i suppose to wake him up this time? Last time i kiss him.. this time?

Wait.. maybe i do have something to wake him this time..

I look at his face.. i come closer near his cheek.. then i quickly kiss his cheek he broke the hug and stand up.. slowly i see his moving a little then his eyes open wide.. why with that eyes?

"What are you doing in my room?" He ask. Jackson? Are you losing your mind? You are the one who come in this room last night..

"oh QianQian, Try to see who's room are you in.." soon he look at this room and look at me back. And he smile sheeply and rub his neck.

I dont know why... but.. he look cute when he smile sheeply and rub his neck when he just wake up.. oh god, snap out zhi hui. What happened with you?

"Zhi hui? Hello? Are you still there?" Jackson from no where ask me that question infront of my face. Our face was really close.. i feel my cheeks was burning..

I dont even realize when did he come in front of me..

"Zhi hui? Why are your cheeks too red? Are you okey? Do you have fever or something?" Jackson ask. Then he put his forehead on mine. No no no. Jackson.. do you really need to do this?.. i softly push him

"I'm okey dont worry.. i just.. um.. i need to take my shower.." i say and go into the bathroom.. fuhh why am i nervous?.. huh? Nvm just forget it..

Jackson P.o.v

Why with her? Hum.. nvm.. i'll go take my bath first

"Met me at the kitchen later" said zhi hui from the bathroom "okey" i reply


Still Jackson P.o.v

Me, roy, zhi hui and zhi xin was eating our breakfast down stairs when we saw karry

"Morning guys.." he say. He look really happy.. because of his couple? I thought he say playboy is on.. duh..

"Kar.. can you explain to us what happened with that newbie?.." Roy ask me, zhi hui and zhi xin just say yes and wait for karry to explain.

"Okey okey fine.. it was-"


Normal P.o.v

Karry was walking with Izy in the library and helping her find the book she search for.. karry was standing behind Izy when she turn their face was really close..

That time they we're in the place where people cant barely see them. They stop what are they doing. They froze..

Karry then take the advantage and slowly come closer to Izy lips.. Izy dont know what to do so she just close her eyes.. soom karry land his lips on Izy.

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