Chapter 4

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Jackson P.o.v
I didn't saw zhi hui on her place today where is she? Is she absent?

"Looking for zhi hui?" Roy tap my shoulder and ask me "yea.. is she absent?"

"They are in the music room, they have write a new song, they still practicing the lyrics" said this male voice

We saw this guy, he just stand in front of us, he look like a nerd, wearing glasses and holdings a lots of thick story book.

"If you go there dont knock the door, its better you listen.. okey i got to go, as you can see, i'm reading my books" he add and he just walk and go into his classroom

Me and Roy look at each other.. we nod..

We go near the musical room, from out side we can hear the three of them singing..

Until... theres a guy voice, its really weird, are they practicing with a guy teacher? I dont think so, cause this guy sound like tennage voice

We knock the door, and I open it, i saw Victoria, Cayla, Zhi hui, and the last, its karry..

Its just karry..

"Hey guys, you should come early just now. Manager told me to tell you two that we are going to skip our class, and have a practice in this room" karry said "and what are they doing here? Aren't they supposed to stay in the class?" Roy ask

"Oh yea, also, i forgot to tell you, that they are actually also a singer call 'Heart.G' (i just simply make the name) Hah, i can't really belive that actually.. until they sing in front of me like a crazy.. i almost have a heart attack you know" karry said

"Oh yeah? Why dont we fight again, who's going to be the winner in this two band" roy said and give a wink to fui mien

"Oh my, someone want to fight with us?" Cayla ask

"Stop! We will lose to them, their band are too strong! " me and zhi hui said in sync

The two of us look at each other and look away, i cant look at her more longer.. her eyes was so cute

"We cant have a fight okey, cause we going to work together as a team to make a song for this coming carnival in our school" said karry.

We all nod..

We start our practice, its really fun practising with the girls, its easy to remember the song by looking at the girls

(Skip time)
Still Jackson P.o.v
We finish our practice just in time.. the bell ring, it was cold outside since it was raining..

Then i saw this figure of girl out side the entrance and she was wet because of the rain, i walk slowly through her

I look at her,she look like zhi hui from the back, but zhi hui didn't use nail Polish.. and also she didn't use the skull bracelet..

I look at her, shes standing under the rain.. i look at the back and i saw a umbrella, i quickly take it and open it, i open my jacket

I walk near her, i put my jacket above her head, she turn and what? She was zhi hui???

She look at me.. i was still shocked, i pull her in my hug.. "everything gonna be okey" i say to her

Zhi xin P.o.v
I'm still thinking about lee qiang, where are you now lee qiang?

I miss you, i really hope i can see you again, if i just can turn back time and at least i can say good bye, if only i know that it will be our last day to met each other

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