Chapter 10

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Jackson P.o.v

I ask Mr.lim to sent me to my house, i want to see Nan nan, i missed him so much

I want to forget everything.. i want to forget about my problems..

Soon, i arrive at my house at 12:45pm..  i say thanks to Mr. Lim and he nod after that he go back to the house

I take a deep breath and walk infront of the door.. i knock it,.. no one open it, then i click the door bell

How am i so silly? How can i don't know about this door bell? Soon it was a women opening the doors she was around 36-43

She smile and "QianQian my baby boy is here" and she hug me.

How embarrassing.. she still call me baby boy "mom, i'm not a baby, stop call me that, beside i'm 16, i'm a big boy" i say and i smile to her

She giggle "but for me you are still my baby boy" she reply "oh, come on, i'm sure you are here to see Nan nan, he is upstairs watching Mickey mouse"

Oh mom, you always know what i'm up to, i go into my house and reach to Nan nan room upstairs

I knock the door and open it, i saw Nan nan. He turn to me "Ge.. i missh you sho mucsh" he say in child tone..

How cute.. then he stood up and come to me. I bend my knees he quickly hug me. I feel good.. feel like all my problems go

Me and Nan nan play together for the whole day... somehow i feel like i miss her..

*Gring Gring*

As soon as i turn on my phone i got a lot of massage from zhi hui. I got too many massages.. hum.. so she really do care about me at all..



From: Zhi Hui
To: Jackson
Jackson, where are you? Come home now, i finished bake my cookies, come home quick before roy finish it

From: Zhi Hui
To: Jackson
Jackson? Where are you? When will you come home? Reply me ASAP

From: Zhi Hui
Hello? MR.JACKSON? Yiyangqianxi, qianqian? Yangyang? Jackie? Where are you? I've waiting for you to reply since 2hours already fine you dont reply me? I won't text you.. go ahead have fun

From: Zhi Hui
Jackson please, at least tell me where are you now? On your phone please.. i need to see you now.. its urgent.. come on..

It was cute to imagine the cute face worried about me..

I quickly reply her

To: Zhi Hui
Hey, sorry for not replying you.. and sorry to make you wait for so long time... i'm fine  you dont need to worry about me.. anw, whats the urgent all about?

I read again my text and sent.

Not long after that

From:Zhi Hui
To: Jackson
You Jackson! I thought you have been kidnapped by someone! Tell me where are you now? Aren't you coming home? When will you come home?

I was thinking to reply her text but i get a call from her..

Jackson Otp:hello?

Zhi hui otp: Jackson?! Oh god, thanks goodness you're alright. Why don't you tell me that you are going out? Now its already 8:07pm i was thinking that you've been kidnapped

Jackson Otp: Hey hey, relax, i'm okey, i'm fine.. i was.. um... i won't come home today..

Zhi hui: ... why?

Jackson: um.. i have to.. a.. i just can't come home today.. i'll come home tomorrow okey? I'll see you at school

Zhi hui: uh?.. okey then..

Jackson: so.. what is the urgent?

Zhi hui: uh? Oh.  That urgent..  thats nothing..  haha..( awkward laugh )

Jackson: tell me... (in cold voice )

Zhi hui: okey2, i'm just.. it was.. argh.. i just missed you okey? Opps...

And she end the call

What? Now you say that you missed me.. and you just end the call when i'm not done talking to you? Seriously zhi hui?

Then i sent her A short massage

To:Zhi Hui
I miss you too:)♥<3 Gutnite

Zhi hui P.o.v

Wou, wou , wou!
Nooo.. what i doing? I cant believe i sent him that word,  Noooooooo

I forgot that Karry,Roy and Zhi xin was there, i'm glad that zhi xin tell me what happened with them and about the kiss..

It was a bit... weird..  is she up to something?..

Gring** i received one massage from Jackson.. i read it and smile like an idiot
But suddenly someone take my phone from me

"ROY? KARRY? ZHI XIN? WHAT ARE You DOING GIVE ME BACK MY PHONE" i say it out loud to make them scare, but it didn't work at all

They run run and run until the three of them go into karry room and locked it

"Hey, karry, roy, zhi xin, give my back my phone, what are guys doing with it?" I ask

"We are reading your mas-" roy word didn't finish but stop

I'm sure karry close his mouth when he haven't finishing his word.. wait did roy say they were reading my mas?? Mas? Wht is ma... massage??  Oh nooooo, my massage with Jackson..

After a minute they open the door and laugh..  arghh it was embarrassing..

I took my phone from karry hand and give him my cute mad face, he then laugh after that we go down stairs

We have a dinner we eat burgers that karry make.. it was delicious.. he should be a chef.. after that we eat biscuits that me and karry make this morning..

After that we go to our own room before that we say good night to each other when karry kissed my forehead and wink at me

I know he do that cause i'm like his own sister.. then i jump on my bed and think about Jackson massage..

I miss you too:)♥♥<3

Soon i fall asleep..
Author note:
Sorry for this boring chapter.. i kinda busy so i just can write until this.. sorry to say maybe tomorrow and the day after tomorrow i won't update the next chapter.. i have a test and i'm a bit busy right now. Hope you understand

Anw, please enjoy reading this chapter.. i know i don't put to many love part and also i have a maybe good or maybe bad news.. i gonna add two new characters in the next chapter who are they? Lets see on Thursday

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