Chapter 15

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A/n:this chapter contain cursing and bad words.. you can skip this chapter if you dont want to read it.

Zhi hui P.o.v

Just in a minute, Roy Cayla and Andy are famous..

They feel pity for Cayla and Roy.. i admit.. Andy shouldn't do that to cayla. I'm pretty sure that Andy feel bad for what he did.

Yea.. after the thing he want to do fail.. and all people in this school know about what his up to.. ofc he feel shame of his self.

"Roy already too famous right now.. usually only girls talk about him.. but now.. even the boys did..".karry say and shocked his head

Our class today have been cancel.. all of our lesson.. because our teacher have a to talk with TF manager, Andy parents and Cayla parents about their problems..

all our classmates already go home since all of em bring phone and call their parents.. so its just left the 7 of us in this class.. me Jackson Rosey Izy karry and Victoria and Xiao mei.

Its really annoying when Xiao mei try to take Jackson attention.. and Jackson keep on like... yeah, uhum, oh and the unbelievable thing is Jackson give a Smile that i never see he give to anyone before even to Roy or Karry not even me! Now i'm like invisible here..

i look at karry. Karry was looking at me and holding his laugh.. what the?? He saw me pouting, glancing and feel annoy reaction just now? No no no... i'm pretty sure he gonna tell Jackson soon.

He take out his phone and start to type something and send and look at me with smile.

*gling gling* it was my phone. Gosh.. cant he just talk to me directly? We were just like 3 steps away.. i open the text

(Zhi hui phone contact name)
From: Xiao kai ge -karry
To: Zhi hui
Hey, why do you keep on doing the pouting? Lol you look cute you know😛 Stop that. And ah, you keep on glance to Xiao mei and Jackson?😏 Oh I know.. you are jealous dont you??😂😂 Hahahaa. Its funny to look at my step sister jealous face.

That stupid Karry do he need to tease me? Garhh..

^uh guys.. for your information Karry just treat zhi hui like his little sister. Its not that Karry is Zhi hui and zhi xin step brother😊^

(Karry phone contact name)

From: meimei -zhihui.

o: Xiao kai -Karry
Junkai ge.. do you really need to tease me?😝Garh and one more thing i'm not jealous of them.. 😬why would I? Duh.. i'm just bored thats all..😌

Duh... Whatever.. i'm not even Jackson Girlfriend.. why should i care?

*knock knock* (door open)

We saw Zheng yang and Zhi xin come in "hey guys.. we heard what happened with Roy and Cayla... our class also cancelled all lesson because this problem is really serious"

*swek..(door open)* in just a second there's another people come in. it was Cayla and Roy. Me and Victoria run to cayla and hug her.

While Rosey run to hug Roy "get of me.. dont hug me.. i'm hot" Roy say and push Rosey gently "YuanYuan are you okey? What happened to you? You shouldn't help her. She just get you into trouble." Rosey say and Glance to Cayla

Cayla just look on the floor when Rosey glance at her. Roy saw it and told rosey that his okey. And ask Rosey if she can Go home now..

"Go home now? Its too early Yuan.. i'm bored at home.. you know? But it won't be too bored if you are there with me" Rosey say

"No Rosey. You already know i'm taken right with who? With the girl i got in trouble with.. where is she? She is here next to me in front of you" Roy say. He pull cayla next to him and hold her head.

"Fine. Whatever. Soon you will be mine Yuan.. just mine! And you Cayla.. he wont last longer with should look at the mirror. Ask your self if you deserve for my yuan. What i see on you is just rubbish! Now get out of my way. Izy, Xiao mei come on lets go" Rosey say and she push Cayla. Glad that Roy caught her.

Izy and Xiao mei stood up Xiao mei go first and but she did say bye to Jackson before leaving while Izy stood up and say sorry to us because of her friends behavior then she leave..

All of us decided to go hangout. Just for our gang.. zheng yang and zhi xin also in our TF gang but they're not really hang with us all the time.. just sometimes..

When we we're walking at the mall.. me and Jackson saw two familiar person.. Jason and Xiao mei.. are they dating? I dont think so.. they look like too serious.

Jackson ask if he and me go alone for a while. All of them say okey. Jackson pull me at a place where people cant see us. Then Jackson take out his mask. Lol. I just know that he bring his mask all the time. He borrow me one of his mask and ask me to use it.

"Why do we need to use mask? We are not that kind of famous" i ask. "Maybe you're not. But i am.. and i'm not using mask because dont want people to see me. Its just i feel that Jason and Xiao mei are up to i want to know what are they saying" He say and i just nod.

I use the mask. Jackson then hold my hand. I feel that my cheeks was burning. Glad that i use the mask. Mr.mask you are my hero💖

Jackson pull me inside the cafe and we sit just 1 table away from Xiao mei and Jason. We can clearly hear what are they saying.

Me and Jackson look at each other after hearing what are Jason and Xiao mei up to.. i cant believe this..

Me and Jackson should do something..
Author note:
so guys. Thats for today. And yea.. i know i told you i gonna publish a new chapter on monday but since my friend keep on request to know what happen next To Roy and Cayla so i finished writing the next chapter today😄😄

What did zhi hui and Jackson heard from Jason and Xiao mei? Wht are they up to? Maybe i gonna publish that chapter on monday or tomorrow

So please wait😘 anw i won't double check my story so please forgive my mistakes as is (grammar,typo, broken English) enough with this chit chat.
Thats all for now. Please vote this chapter if you like it
Love ziah.xoxo🐱🐰🐵💕clover🍀

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