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8 years later...

Zhi hui P.o.v
Jackson now already 24th years old.. i'm 23yr old.. everything is fine.... me and Jackson already married 2years ago.. and we have a twin Son.

"Mummy, Daddy are home!" Jackson say. He just come back home from the TF entertainment.

"Hii Daddy" I reply "Hii mummy, why are you here? where is the twins??" He ask.. "They are upstairs.."i reply. I'm in the kitchen to cook for dinner tonight. Jackson want to go up stairs when i stop him.

"Ae ae ae.." i stop him. "Yes mummy?" He ask. I make a jealous face. "Um.. nothing, go ahead.. go see the twins.. yea.. i know who am i.. my love only come home only because of the twins.." i say.

He then giggles and back hug me. "Are you jealous my love?" He ask. Hehe. I'm not jealous. I'm just playing you My love😂.

"Why would i? I wont get jealous if my husband love my kids more then he love me" i reply then i move his hand away from me.

I walk out of the kitchen and walk to the living room when he come from no where and carry me bridal style..

"Hey, what are you thinking you're doing?? Put me down!" I oder him "no until you kiss me" he say and smirk.

Gezz! I feel that my cheeks is burning.. Jackson, why are you soo expert making me blush?

I quickly kiss his cheeks. Like 0.01sec "okey, now put me down" i oder again "i didn't say that you need to kiss me on the cheeks. Its on lips" Jackson say and smirk

"Gezz, naughty husband" i say. He laugh softly. He carry me until we enter our room. He put me on the bed. And he lay next to me.

"I love you" he say. I dont want to reply with 'i love you too'. I reply him with a soft kiss.. at first he a little bit shock. Then slowly he kiss me back. I love this guy.. only him
Just him..
Dinner with old friend at Jackson and Zhi hui house.

Karry P.o.v
Me and Victoria just marry 1month ago and we are still new. Zhi hui and Jackson have married 2yrs ago. While Roy and Cayla married last year. It was more fun when Jason come with his fiance.. i don't need to tell you.. you already know who's her, ofc Xiao mei. Izy and Andy have been married 3yr ago..

"Its been a long time we haven't gather like this.. i miss the old moment" roy say.

"Yea.. i cant believe that we already have a kids.. times goes so fast.." Andy reply

Yea.. i admit.. after the worse night mare happen to me 8yrs ago.. everything change.. i can leave in peace.. nothing to worry cause i already got my wife all by my self..

"Gez.. guys.. i'm still wondering if you still remember the 8yrs ago promise?..." karry ask.

"Hu? What is that??" Roy ask when his mouth still full

"What happened when me and zhi hui still been kidnapped at the old building.. " Jackson ask. He ignore Roy question since his mouth still full off foods..

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