Chapter 3.

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Zhi hui P.o.v
i woke up in the morning on 4:45am, i woke up before my alam rang, it was still early

I decide to check my weibo, then i saw this 3 account, i know who is this 3 account belong to

Its Jackson and the another 2account is karry and roy

I open Jackson weibo and he got a lot of pictures, then i saw this little kid, (i'm pretty sure you know him) Nan Nan, Jackson little brother

Suddenly my lips make a smile shape. It was adorable to see how Jackson treat his brother

Then i turn to look at my twin that still sleeping on her bed at another room opposite mine

How i wish we were like the other siblings that live in peaceful and lovely sister..

I feel that my eyes contain a hot water, i'm sure its tears (lol ofc its tear, what am i talking about? What alse would it be?)

I quickly wipe my tears, i take my towel and rush into the bathroom and i take a shower.. in that bathroom i cry so hard thinking about what happened when we are still kids

"Zhi xin, Zhi hui, dinner is ready, take lee qiang with you, he is having a dinner with us" our mom called us

The three 6years old kids rush down to the kitchen and eat the food that my mom make for us

"Hey lets play at the playground near my house" said Lee qiang

The three of us agree with it, so we decide to go without telling my mom

We go out from our house then we quickly run to the playground, on the way to the playground 'BOOM!!!!!!'

The sound was horrible, i'm glad that i pull zhi xin hand just on the time when the car hit them..


I cant save lee qiang , he got into the crush, he was laying on the ground and blood was all over him..

Zhi xin run over him and shake him, but no responded.. zhi xin start to cry

I quickly run to my house leaving zhi xin and lee qiang.. as soon as i open the door i saw my mom, i tell her what happened

Not long after that the home phone rang..

Its from hospital telling my mom to come check about lee qiang since zhi xin told him her mom phone number

We rush to the hospital, it takes about half and your since my mom was too worried

Soon we arrive there and my mom ask the nurse where is patient name lee qiang

Then my mom took me to a room number 14 there we saw lee qiang laying on the bed and his head have been bandage

And theres also the crying zhi xin and the doctor..

My mom talk to the doctor, i heard that the doctor say 'he have lost his memories..' and it was shocking

So lee qiang wont remember us?

Not long after that lee qiang parents came and talk to the doctor, soon the doctor leave, then my mom and lee qiang parents talk out side..

After 20minute later i saw my mom

"Lets go, he will be fine" she say, she go near zhi xin and told her the same word she told me..

Zhi xin scream at her, told that she dont want to go, she want to stay with lee qiang..

Unfortunately she cant, so she was been force to go in the car..

The next day lee qiang and his family change to another country..

From that day zhi xin blame zhi hui because she save her but not lee qiang...

And they didn't get along with each other untill now..
^end of flashback^
Author note:
Okey sorry if i have done anywrong mistakes in this chapter.. i havent double check this chapter so yea..

Also sorry because this chapter is short,i know its really short, i dont have much time today...

Sorry really sorry...
Also sorry i didn't add anything about Jackson in this chapter once again i'm sorry...

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