Chapter 19

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Jackson P.o.v

Its the time.. it was already 9:45pm.. as we promise that we gonna met at this old house.. it was really spooky here.

This house look like it was been abandon for thousands was in the middle of trees and it was a bit dark here and i dont like it! This house is more like a ghost house...

"Jackson.. what place is this? Won't a tigers or something wild live here?" Zhi hui ask me. "I don't even know... dont worry, theres a lot of cops are here with us.." i reply.

Yea thats true.. after Rosey and the other go away, we decide to call the police. Then not long after that izy text zhi hui to get a help from the police..

At first the police didn't believe us. They think we we're just a kid that trying to report a fake thing. Until zhi hui remember that their house have CCTV.

We show the police the Video that record when the crime begin.. they say sorry to us
Because not believing what we say. We told them about our meeting at old house at 9:45pm glad that Jackson have the voice recorder..

I didn't even realize when he record it.. after the police hear it. They ask us to just go there at 9:45pm.

So here we are. All the police was hiding behind the trees and the bushes... then i heard a 'plak' sound.

Jackson fall "Jackson" i call. I was really shocked, suddenly i feel that something hit my head really hard that i fall down and my version start to blur and then Black.. all Black..

Jackson P.o.v

The last thing i remember is that i feel something hit my head then i fall down and someone call my name and then all black.. just Black..

I open my eyes to see that i'm in a room.. this is more like a store room.. then i look at my self. My hand was tied. Gezz.. glad that my legs was not tied or else it will be hard to move

I feel a real pain on my head.. do they really need to hit me that hard? Talking about that where is zhi hui! Zhi hui!

I look around when i saw this little body on the floor. Just lying on the floor. I know who is it. I try to open the tied in my hand.. when i saw the door was open.

I look at who's the one that open the door it was Xiao mei.

"Jackson.. we have to go now! Right now!" She said and her face look like she's scared..

"How can i go when my hand was still tied??" I ask. "You run use legs not hand! Seriously" She run to me and take a knife out and start to relies my hand.

That knife was sharp. It cut the rope quick "now come on! We have to go now, karry and the others already in the van" she say

What the hell is happening??

#BOMM PENG BOOM# (i don't know how to make a shot sounds)

"What the heck is that?" I ask. "There's no time to tell you. Its a long story, gezz Jackson Come on! You want to die here???!!" Xiao mei ask and her face look mad..

I stood up. Luckily i can walk. Who know i cant walk after they hit me with whatever it is.. i run to zhi hui. Xiao mei run to her and tell me "she'll be sleeping for half an hours because of the drugs-" "you give her the drugs that can forget me?!" I cut her

No this cant be true..she cant forget me, cannot! how will i try to make her fall in love with me again? What if she don't fall in love with me??? Nooo!! No!!

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