Chapter 9

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Roy P.o.v

I just come back home from going on a date with cayla.

I saw Jackson, his face look like he was hot... what happened with him? Is he mad?

I ignore him, i go to the kitchen, i saw karry was there with.. ZHI HUI??? What the hack? What is karry think his doing? They were laughing and playing the flour

Huhh.. they are just waisting the flour..

i decided to say hi first its not good to just pull karry away, she will be curious "Um, hii guys? What are you doing? "

Both of them look at me and stop laughing

"Oh hi roy, we are doing a cookies, zhi hui want to do oreo cookies, i just agree with it since she really love oreo" karry say

What? He just agree? If i ask he never agree with me..

"Oh.. um.. karry we need to talk, manager ask me to tell you this one thing but dnt tell Jackson.. " i say it loud on purpose, but not too loud, Jackson might hear it

Well.. i just make up a story.. manager didnt ask anything, but i need to talk to him without zhi hui notice that i want to talk about her

"Umm.. sure okey, zhi hui can you do it your self for a while? As you can see we need to talk" he told zhi hui

Zhi hui just nod and continue with the flour

Karry P.o.v

Roy pull me to our dancing room. Then he push me, harsh until i almost fall down

"What? Why are you being so harsh?" I ask, he look like he trying to have a fight

"What? You ask me what? Do you have feeling for zhi hui? You know Jackson like her dont you?" He ask

"So? He didnt even say he like her, so? Is it wrong if i like zhi hui too? She still not belong to Jackson yet" i reply

"Karry? I thought you like Victoria! What happened? You such a player, i thought you were changing, still a player like-" roy was going to punch me but i cut him

"Hey, chill pretty boy, i don't like zhi hui okey? She was like a sister to me. Its just.."

I tell roy everything, what happen with two of them and what zhi xin do with Jackson and the last about my plan.

Then roy understand.. "Ooo.. why don't you tell me earlier , i almost punch your handsome face" he say and he rub the back of his neck and smile sheeply

Then i smile, me and roy go back to the kitchen, we find out that Jackson was kissing with zhi hui?

What? Zhi hui, what about the plan?.. then someone tap me on the shoulder i turn and it was...

"Karry, ready to bake the cookies? I go up stairs to charge my phone since it was dying.. " zhi hui say

It was zhi hui, if this is zhi hui.. dont tell me he was kissing zhi xin again.. Jackson!!! You should realize if it was zhi xin or zhi hui

Me and Roy cover the door, we close the kitchen door it make Jackson and Zhi xin stop kissing

We take zhi hui up stairs and go into my room.. she didn't say anything and look at us weirdly

"Why are you guys taking me here? What are we doing here?" She ask

"Um, we.....just need you to.... um.. help us with our homework " i reply slowly since i was too slow to think about any idea

"Karry? Thought we just finish doing your homework this morning " she reply

"What karry mean is my homework " roy say

"Roy? I know you finished your homework yesterday, i saw you doing it in your room because you are going on a dae today " she reply

Me and roy look at each other..

"Now guys... why are you acting so strange? Hum.. i got to go, karry we need to bake the cookies come on. Roy you want to join us?" She ask

Roy just nod and we go down to the kitchen. Jackson and zhi xin are not there maybe they go somewhere else

Jackson P.o.v

I was jealous because zhi hui said she was having fun with karry, even the fans say that they are perfect for each other

Arghh, i'm the one that should be perfect for her, not karry...

Then i saw roy pull karry to the dancing room, i ignore them.. i didn't even realize when roy came

Then i hear someone going upstairs, i'm pretty sure it zhi hui.. i need to talk to her..

After a minute i heard a foot steps then it go to the kitchen. I stand up from the sofa and go to the kitchen.

I saw zhi hui.. but it quite different, i saw she was using blue T-shirt and purple short pants

But now she's using long sleeve black shirt and a short Jeans.. where is she going?

She look straight into my eyes.. i come near her.. our eyes was still looking to each other. I didn't say anything it was like our eyes is saying something that just two of us can understand it..

Slowly i come closer to her face and slowly my lips touch her.. it feels different.. this lips doesn't even feel like the lips that i kissed last time..

Then we stop cause we heard a bam from the door, i come close to the door and ear drop on who is the one looking at us

Then i was shock, i heard zhi hui voice.. she was telling karry she just came from upstairs..

If thats was zhi hui.. then.. Zhi xin!! I kiss her again! NO! how can i dont know this is zhi xin?? I hear that they were walking upstairs..

I look at zhi xin.. she give me a smirk and turn and go at the back if the house.

If only i can kicked you out from this house. I open the door and go out side. I ask Mr.Lim our driver i ask him to go to my house.

I want to see Nan nan.. i missed him so much plus i want to forget my problem with zhi xin..
Author Note:
So this is it. Chapter 9. Sorry if have Typo or broke English..
Anw, thanks to Jean_Wang and , yangyang_luv, if not becoz of you guys i won't continue to write this story, and thanks for that comments TFBOYS80z
Sorry if this chapter was not good enough..
thats all for now

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