Chapter 8

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Karry P.o.v
I take zhi hui to the mall to rest her mind and also to forget about Jackson and have a fun

We get into the car, i almost forgot to tell Jackson..

From: Jun kai -karry
To: Qianxi -Jackson
-Jackson, i forgot to tell you just now,i need to go to the mall to buy something to make for dinner and lunch later, oh and i take zhi hui with me, it is just you and zhi xin at home, take care if the house, Roy going out with cayla so yea, gtg, bye

I read my text again and 'send'. After a minute i got a text, from Jackson

From:Qian xi -Jackson
To: Jun kai -karry
Argh, karry? Why don't you tell me? I'll go with you if you ask, i don't want to leave in this house with that zhi xin, why don't you just ask me? You dont need to take zhi hui with you

I read the text.. um... is Jackson jealous?..  uhuh! I have one idea...

I whisper something to zhi hui, i tell her my plan

"No way..." her eyes open wide as i told her what i wanna do "yes way, if you want to find out why he kissed zhi xin"

Jackson, so sorry, but i have to backup zhi hui since you're the one hurt her..

Jackson P.o.v
Karry told me he was going to the mall with zhi hui, can he go by him self? He usually go all alone or with roy

Why is he taking zhi hui? Cant he take zhi xin with him?

"Hi, um.. Jackson.. can we talk?" Zhi xin ask come from nowhere, i didn't even realize when she come here

"What do you want? A kiss? Sorry, i won't give it.. its to expensive" i reply

"I just want to say sorry, i know what i do was wrong, i just cant stop thinking about my old friend..  thats all.." i turn and look at her, her eyes was red showing that she hold her tears

I can't believe it.. i stand up and face her..

"Prove it, who is your old friend?" I ask in coldness

"Lee qiang.. he was my old friend.. i love him when first time we met... but his parents took him to another country because of an accident, what i remember is, the doctor told me he won't remember me cause he lost his memories.. , the day after that i didnt see him again.." she told me.. it was so.. sad..

But thats not the reason for her to kissed me.. i look at her still in coldness

"I won't believe you until zhi hui tell me the same story about this" she look at me and i give her.. i look at her in coldness and walk to my room

Zhi xin P.o.v

Is that how a guy suppose to be? Cold? Even zheng yang, hes really cold when i first time talk to him..

Talking about zheng yang.. his face really look just like lee qiang..  why?.. is he lee qiang? No his zheng yang.. do lee qiang have a twin? Noo.. arghh i need to know who is his parents

Zhi hui P.o.v

Me and karry just come back from the mall, it was very hard to go with him, he accidentally dropped his sunglasses and his fans realize it and say his name too loud.

That make his other fans come and chasing after us.. until we got a perfect spot to hide..

Fuhh... i can't even imagine it.. a lot of girls chasing after us just because of Karry

"Um.. hi?" I hear a voice.. i know who is him.. i don't want to reply

"Zhi hui? Hii? Did you have fun walking with karry? Sorry i di-" "oh its so fun, you should come with us... a lot of fans think were dating they even say that we are perfect for each other how silly is that" i cut him

"Oh.. yea... silly.. um.. i got something to do.. bye" he close the door..

I locked the door.. and quietly cry in the room, i let my tears out.. i let everything out.. seeing his face make me more hurt

After he kiss me, after he hug me, after he sleep with me (um, what i mean is sleep as in normal sleep)..

This is what i get? I need to follow karry plan.. i can't give up now.. no..

Cayla  P.o.v

The day before today roy ask if i'm busy or no this weekend, i told him no since my manager didn't ask us to do anything this weekend

He ask me to go hangout with me, i was so happy.. its today

Roy take me to the park, it was so beautiful, the park was surrounded by a thousands of flowers..

They are so many colors that make the park beautiful..

"Wow.. roy.. what is this place? Its so nice.. how can i don't know about this place?" I ask

"This is place where i usually go when i get stress, bored or sad"he say.. i just look at his beautiful face..

"And this is a place i want to ask you.." he add

"Ask? Ask what?" I get confused.. ask? Ask What?

"Will you be half of my heart?" He ask.. i was shocked.. 

I don't know what to say.. i just look at him..

"Hum.. i got rejected wuth my first love "he say and look on the ground

That word make me back to normal "oh roy, why do you think i will reject you? You are my first love, i will be half of your heart, i love you, i love you from the first time we meet, i love you really really love you" i say

Then i just realized what i did..i close my mouth with both of my hand.. my word make him speechless.. owww cayla.. you've been caught.. i blush so hard that make roy blush too

Then he hug me.. so tight.. i hug him back.. we broke the hug and roy say that we are going on a date..

He take me to buy a couple clothes with him.. we buy a lot, then we go to eat ice cream. Roy didn't gert enough with the ice cream, then we eat at korean restaurant
Author note:
Sorry, i got stuck in this chapter, i kinda running out of idea.. but don't worry.. i got my idea back..  thanks to my friends for give me som ideas, i love you guys

Sorry if have typo or broken English.. hehe.. anw hope you guys enjoy reading this chapter..

At last roy and Cayla couple

But i won't let their couple without any challenges

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