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Senior year of high school. What should it be? I have no clue but I guess I'll find out this year. Today is my first day and on this first day, my first kiss was stolen. Now I know what you're thinking, senior year and you're just now getting a kiss? Unbelievably, yes. Today was supposed to go normal. Just smooth, with no incidents.

You see, I'm the type of person who likes to stay out of the way. Sure, I have friends and a social life but I'm not the absolute popular person. I'm somewhere in the middle. I'm popular but at the same time, I'm not the most popular. Upon waking up this morning I decided that this year would be the best year of my high school career. Seeing that I chose and had everything prepared the night before. I showered, brushed my teeth, and combed my hair. After picking up breakfast from the café I drove to school.

Getting out, I headed towards the quad. I spotted a big tree ahead and that was my go to destination. With a book in my hand ready to read, I was determined to get to that tree. A few people said hello as I walked by and I did the same. While saying hello to a girl I tripped over some uneven ground. Before I hit the ground someone caught me. To say I was surprised was an understatement.

I looked to see who it was. Daniel Colt. Mr. Popular himself. Daniel Colt, better known as Danny, is the most popular person there is. He was at every party and was wanted by all the girls. This was the guy that could wink at a girl and make her think she was in love. Those girls were delusional in my opinion. Daniel was the captain of the football team. He was good looking and on top of that, he was smart. The whole package, if you ask me but one thing stops it all. His arrogance.

It was very irritating. But because he was Daniel Colt, everyone tolerated. There were times when we conversed that he'd show that arrogance and I'd shut him down. That usually ended in him turning it around on me to give me a compliment and calling me babe. "Can you let go of me please?" I asked. He looked down to me. "So I save you from falling and all you ask is if I can let you go?" He asked incredulously. Gosh this boy was dramatic.

"Thank you. Now can you please let me go?" I asked. By this time we both were standing upright but his hands were still around me. "Nah. I think I want to hang on." He said with a smirk. I sighed. "Please let me go." I said once again. He pretended to think for a second. "No can do sweetheart." He said with yet another smirk. This guy can't be serious.

He already held up my few minutes of peaceful reading. Reading is how I escape the outside world of popularity. I may not escape for long but the few minutes I get, I cherish. This always seems to happen with Daniel. He finds a way to bump into me somehow or I coincidentally run into him. Whenever I do, he makes me very upset. He's just plain annoying and everyone puts up with it because he's Daniel. Mainly because everyone loves him.

And after every encounter he'd always kiss my forehead or cheek and end with a 'see you later babe'. I've always thought he had a crush on me when it started. Now I just see it as him the guy who loves to annoy me for some reason. I haven't dated before and I'm sure my next date won't be in the near future. I looked at him, the smirk still evident on his face, and I rolled my eyes.


"Call me Danny babe."

"Daniel. You always do this." I said. He just smiled. He's a weird one also. Again, in my opinion. He came closer, if that was possible, and whispered to me. "It's entertaining to me." He whispered. See? Annoying and weird too.

And this time, it was not a kiss on the cheek or forehead. It was the lips then he strutted away with a smirk. He who stole my first kiss, walked away.

"I ship them!" Someone yelled. Oh boy.

Author's Note
Hi! So how was the prologue? This story may or may not get interesting as it comes along. Let's just go with the flow. Thanks for reading! And remember to vote!

- sarcasticallybleh

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