Bonus Chapter 4

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"Babe, Braden is crying and just got in the shower." Kyla called out from the bathroom. Danny looked up from his emails and rose an eyebrow.

"And what's that supposed to mean?" He asked back. Ky sighed.

"Go get your youngest son, Colt!" She yelled out, using his last name like his coach did. He got up from his home office and used the connecting door to walk into his bedroom. It was an interesting set up. The door led to a small private staircase that led to the master bedroom on the second floor.

Braden stopped crying once he saw his dad standing over his bouncer. After consoling his son, Daniel stepped into the bathroom where Kyla was showering. He pulled back the curtain to look her in her eyes.

"You're literally, twenty feet away from him and you couldn't see what he wanted?" He asked her with a small smile. She shrugged as she lathered up.

"Okay so I had already stepped into the shower, right, and my body had already gotten wet. And it was cold in the room. So, to prevent from getting a cold or some type of sickness, I called my loving husband." She explained. The small smile Daniel wore grew bigger.

"You're something else, Genevieve." He chuckled, using her middle name. They both laughed and Daniel left to leave Kyla to her showering.

It was an early Saturday morning and Kyla was getting ready to go to work. This Saturday had been the one weekend she had to work. It was apart of her agreement with her boss, who also happened to be her best friend. Kyla was a physical trainer along with Haley who owned her own practice.

As Kyla got dressed, Danny walked into their room. He groaned as he watched her get dressed.

"Man I miss the days when you were the team's athletic trainer. Come back and work for us." He said as he sat on the bed in front of her. She laughed.

"That sounds amazing but that would mean no one would be around to take care of our four beautiful kids. Don't you think they'd miss their momma and daddy?" Ky asked him. He chuckled.

"It was fun while it lasted right though?" He asked. Kyla shrugged with a laugh.

"Yeah, sure. I surely miss the benefits. Seeing my husband everyday, even when I had the day off was lots of fun." She said with a laugh. They talked a little bit more until it was almost time for Kyla to leave. The clock read six forty five. By six fifty, Daniel was leaning in the window of Kyla's car with Braden in his arms.

"I'll see you guys at seven tonight. Kiss my babies for me and please make sure they take baths and do something productive today." She told her husband. He leaned in and kissed her.

"Productive? Babe, our youngest kid is only four. The other two are in school." He said with a laugh. She shrugged with a smile.

"Meaning kindergarten is only a year away for Lilly. It's never too late to refresh her on her colors and shapes." Kyla pointed out. Daniel sighed and rolled his eyes.

"You're too much. My baby will do fine in school. You're gonna be late, babe, I'll call you on your lunch break. I love you." He said and kissed her once again. Sighing, Kyla changed the gear of her car and backed out of the garage. After arriving to work, she clocked in then went to her office to take a look at her appointments for the day.

"Hey chick!" Haley said as she peeped her head into the office.

"Hey, bestie." Kyla said. Haley made herself comfortable on the little couch in her office.

"Welcome back to work since the birth of Braden!" She said excitedly. Ky eyed her suspiciously.

"Why are you welcoming me back and I see you everyday?" I asked her. She chuckled nervously.

"Your customers miss you, and you have a new customer upon request." She said and pointed to the door. I turned and saw Michael, my friend from high school.

"Mike! How are you?" I asked as I stood up. He smiled and engulfed me into a hug.

"Things are good. I see you and Danny have added to your little family. Amelia isn't an only child anymore!" He said excitedly. I smiled.

"Yes, She has three more play partners at home now." I said proudly. He looked surprised.

"Three? Wow, Kyla. That's amazing." He said with a smile. After catching up, Ky found out that Michael was her new co-worker. Things would be fun there at work with her friends with her. At lunch, Daniel stopped by with the kids.

"This is Amelia, Danny Jr., Lillian, and our youngest Braden." Kyla introduced the bunch. After shaking hands with Danny, Michael bent down to meet the little ones. Ky looked up at her husband.

"I see the kids are clean. They're not complaining for snacks, so they've been fed, and Amelia doesn't have little attitude. I take it that things are going well at home?" She asked him. He only smiled, hoping she wouldn't see through it.


Daniel's POV

"Amelia! Get down now!" I yelled as I helped Danny J into his jeans. After helping him, I ran over and helped Amelia down from the counter.

"What are you doing child?" I asked her. She smiled.

"Mommy always gets down the cereal from the cabinet. You didn't get it." She said with an innocent face.

"I know, but do not climb onto the counter. Just tell me and I will get it. Now go make sure your room is clean so we can get ready to leave." I told her. I finished getting Danny J ready and went to help Lilly. Braden was already dressed and was chilling in his bouncer. His life was easy simply for the fact that he wasn't able to do everything yet.

"Lilly!" I yelled out through the house.

"Yes daddy?" I heard right behind me. I stopped walking quickly then turned around, almost tripping over my feet. I bent down and looked at my youngest girl. She smiled as she looked at me.

"Yellow shoes? Brown shoes?" I asked her. She smiled and smoothed her little dress down.

"Sissy helped me put it on." She told me. I chuckled and kissed her head. Thank God, Ky combed the girl's hair last night before they went to bed. All I had to do was wet Danny's hair and put some product in it.

"Man I don't see how mommy does this." I said to my kids as we sat in the kitchen to eat breakfast. I glanced at the clock and sighed, it was only eight and Ky's break wasn't until 12:15. Today would be a very long day.

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