{7}: The Jealous Boyfriend

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Today was Friday and that means game day for our school. The football team was pumped up, especially Daniel. That boy was rowdy from the moment he picked me up this morning. Man, could he yell though. We walked into school, Daniel's arm around me, and school spirit was shown all over the school. Almost everyone was dressed in our colors. We were going to have a pep rally today so classes would be cut short.

On Fridays, seniors had early dismissal so I figured I could leave with Haley. That is, if Daniel doesn't catch me. The thing is, Daniel doesn't like it when I leave him. He's so attached to me that way, it's weird. He always wants me to sit with him, ride with him, walk with him, etc.

The more I hung out with Daniel, the more I got to know him. He could be sweet when he wanted, other times he was a douche. But a charming douche. "Shh! Quiet your heavy manly footsteps down Hal!" I whispered shouted. She glared at me but quieted down. We were trying to sneak past the field house to the parking lot. The senior football players hung out there. Daniel was there, for sure.

This was why I was trying to sneak away. Thump! "Ow!" Haley yelled. My eyes widened. "Haley!" I yelled.

Nick walked out of the field house and saw Haley holding her ankle. She tripped over a tree stump. Daniel walked out behind him. "What's going on here? Haley are you alright?" Nick asked. She nodded but then they went into a whole conversation. Haley got up and left with Nick. There goes my plan. I looked up at Daniel.

"Where you headed?" He asked.

"Oh, nowhere." I said. He eyed me suspiciously. "Wanna go to Walmart with me?" He asked. I shrugged. "Why not?"

He grabbed my hand and we walked to his car. We got in and he drove off. Daniel pulled up to Walmart and as we walked in he grabbed my hand. "Hey, I'm gonna go and grab a few snacks for the team after party." He said. I nodded. "Yeah, I'm gonna run to the bathroom real quick." I said. He nodded and kissed my forehead before I left.

I found the bathroom and went in to do my business. After washing my hands I set out to find Daniel. I turned and started to weave through the aisles. I bumped into someone as I turned to another aisle. "Oh gosh, I'm so sorry." I said as I looked up at the dude. He was tall, but not as tall as Daniel. He was muscular though, but not as toned as Daniel. Man, I need to find someone else to hang out with.

"Um, yeah, you're fine." He said. I stared into his bright blue eyes. "You look familiar." I stated. "Oh, sorry. My name is Scott Warner." He said. Warner. "By chance, is your father the owner of Warner Incorporated?" I asked. He nodded slowly. "Wait, you're starting to seem familiar, too." He said.

"Your dad is David Jones. He's a business man that's friends with my father." He said. I nodded slowly. "Ky?" He asked. My eyes widened, probably even wider than before. "Scotty?" I guessed.

"Ky!" He exclaimed excitedly.

"Scotty!" I said, equally excited. My long lost childhood friend has been found. Scott and I used to go to school together. He moved away in third grade, though. It was me, him, and Haley. We were an unstoppable trio. He pulled me in for a hug. I can't believe it was Scotty. And to think I was sort of checking him out a bit earlier. Gross.

"Wow." He said while looking at me.

"Wow." I said, doing the same. He smiled. "Kyla Jones." He said. I smiled at him. "Scotty Warner." I said. We laughed and hugged again. "Wow, I haven't seen you in forever." I said. This was exciting. I couldn't wait to tell Haley.

"Yeah, same here." He said. We exchanged numbers and social media. I looked and noticed Daniel not too far from us. He looked upset. "Scotty, I'll see later, ok?" I said and hugged him goodbye. Daniel looked pissed. "Wanna tell me who that was, Genevieve?" Daniel asked. He seemed really mad.

He once told me that if he would ever get mad at me, he'd call me by my middle name. "Well, Patrick, that was Scott." I said. He just breathed out some air and grabbed my hand.

He paid for the stuff and we walked to his car. He didn't even hold my hand. Weird. "So while I'm out looking for food items you're out talking to random guys and hugging them?" Daniel asked with a hint of anger. I sighed. "Daniel, Scott is-"

"I don't care who he is. I'm your boyfriend." He said angrily. Then it hit me. Daniel was jealous. "Oh my gosh, you're jealous." I stated.

"Nonsense, why would I be jealous." He said and tapped his fingers on the steering wheel. "You're lying." I stated.

"Lying? Why would I lie?" He asked. I rolled my eyes. "Oh please, Daniel, from the short time that I've known you I've picked up on your habits. When you tap your fingers, you're lying." I said. He stayed quiet.

"Oh by the way, you should know, Scott Warner is my childhood friend. He's like a big brother to me. Scotty has no romantic interest in me nor do I him. He was always interested into this girl name Roxanne, who moved." I said with an eye roll.

"No need to put up the act. If you were jealous, you were jealous. Just admit it like a big boy and move on." I added. We sat in the car in silence. His mouth was twisted, he was thinking. Anyone who would've witness's the conversation we had would've picked out that he was jealous. Simple.

"Ok, I may have been a slight bit of jealous." He said.

"Finally!" I said over exaggeratedly. He shook his head. "But," he said," remember that in gonna get jealous. That's natural for me. I'm especially gonna get jealous when it comes to you because, as you know, I like you. Just don't forget that, will you?" He said. I slowly nodded. He leaned in to kiss me. I found myself leaning in, getting caught in those magnificent eyes.

Before our lips touched, he turned his head and kissed me on the cheek. "That was for saying I was jealous." He said and winked. This boy.

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