Bonus Chapter 5

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"Okay, mom I know what I want for my birthday." Amelia told her mom. Kyla smiled down at her oldest as she prepared snacks for her children.

"And what would that be?" She asked her. Amelia smiled as she thought of Barbie dream house she saw in Walmart earlier then told her mom.

"Woah, that's a big gift and a lot of pieces to put together." Kyla told her with a little laugh. Amelia frowned a little bit.

"I'm serious mommy."She told her mom. Kyla smiled. "I know sweetheart. I'll talk to your dad and we'll see what we can come up with. Until then, you focus on doing good in school. Did you clean your room today?"

Amelia smiled shyly as she thought about her dirty room. Kyla laughed and pointed her finger to the stairs. Amelia headed that way to go clean up her mess. The door opened and Daniel walked in sweating up a storm wearing joggers without a shirt. He was having a phone conversation and leaned on the counter. Kyla could hear the voice of his manger on the line, she didn't care though.

"Ooh Dan, look at you looking all handsome and stuff." Kyla said to her husband. He smiled and winked at her.

"Yes, I'll tell her you said hey. And I'm not telling her that!" He said with a laugh. Kyla eyed him suspiciously with a small smile as she finished the last of the small snacks. "Alright, well I'll see you tomorrow before the game." Danny hung up and turned to his wife.

"Baby, you're always embarrassing me when I'm on the phone." He said in a joking manner. She smiled and kissed his cheek.

"You still love me nonetheless." She said. He smiled and pulled her in for a kiss. He kissed her forehead and walked out of the room smiling. She laughed and grabbed up the snacks.

"DJ and Lilly, come get your snacks." Kyla called. Her babies came running into the kitchen. Soon, they were sitting down enjoying their snacks.



I sighed as I let the water run over my body. That run and workout was good today but my back was sore. I winced a little at the scratches on my back from this morning. I smiled at the thought of my wife. As I thought about her, I could hear her loud footsteps as she entered the bathroom.

"You've been showering for forty five minutes. You're gonna be old and wrinkly." She commented with a little laugh. I chuckled and sighed as I turned the water off. She was right. I looked at my fingers and saw that they'd already started to wrinkle up.

"Okay Miss Know-It-All." I said. She laughed and pointed to me.

"That's Mrs. Know-It-All to you, mister." She said. I shook my head and walked into the bedroom to find some clothes to put on. After getting semi-dressed, I laid across the bed and reached for the remote to watch some tv. The sports channel was on and there was an analysis of our game for tomorrow on. It wasn't even twelve thirty yet and the channel was filled up. I sat back and watched the screen.

"Babe, we gotta find some other channel than Sports Center to watch." Kyla said and say beside me. I pulled her closer.

"Now if my profession wasn't involved with sports then I'd agree with you. But, since it is, the channel is staying sweetheart." I told her and kissed her forehead. She laughed a bit and snuggled closer to me. We had a few minutes of piece and quiet until we heard the sound of little feet hitting the floor.

The door flew open and Amelia, DJ, and Lilly came in, carefully dragging the bouncer that held the youngest Colt baby, Braden. They made their way into the bed with us and Kyla got down to pick up a babbling Braden. We all laid there together.

Soon, I could hear the even breathing of my five reasons of motivation. I loved my family. I laid my head down with a smile.

It was the little things that made me appreciate my family.

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