{11}: New Beginnings

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"So let me get this straight. This is the first time you've seen your brother and sister in a year? And your father just returned from a business trip?" Daniel asked. I nodded. Daniel and I were in my room watching tv. Dinner had yet to be done and I was avoiding my siblings.

"Ok that's big news. But I'm here for you. I know how hard it is for you." He said and pulled me close to his chest. I smiled up at him. This is the Daniel I like. The Daniel I encountered at the pizza parlor. "Daniel, have I ever told you how amazing you're becoming in my eyes?" I asked.

"Becoming? Babe, I was already amazing in your eyes." He said. I laughed and slapped his shoulder. "No seriously. It's a privilege. Most people don't see you the way I do. I see the real Daniel and I'm glad to say that he's my boyfriend." I said. He sniffed and wiped away fake tears. I chuckled at his silliness.

"You're not the only one. I'm glad you feel that way babe." He said and kissed me. We focused back on the movie. The door opened and my sister came in and jumped on my bed. "Layla!" I yelled. Daniel chuckled. "Hey sis. What have you been up to?" She asked. I shrugged. She looked at Daniel and back to me. "This the boyfriend? He's cute." She said. I nodded and smiled at Daniel.

He kissed my forehead and sister awed. I rolled my eyes. "Ok, tell your cute boyfriend to give us a moment. I want to talk to you." Layla said. She was always so straightforward. I looked up at Daniel. "I don't mind. Your mom has always wanted me to help her in the kitchen anyways." He said with a laugh. I laughed. He pecked me on the lips and left the room, leaving me in the clutches of my crazy sister Layla.

"Ok, Layla, what you need?" I asked.

"Ok, so first let me catch up on my life then I can ask all the questions about yours." She said. I nodded. She went in and started talking about her past year. She left to travel the world around two years ago. "So classes have been going good. Soon, I'll be able to start for the next degree." She said. Layla went and took online classes for junior college and got a degree in Technology.

She was really smart. My sister could be working at one of the top companies in the country. She just chose to travel the world. "So you met the dude, when?" I asked, referring to the guy who came with her. "I met Lorenzo about a year ago. I was in Italy for the month and I met him while at a beach. At first I didn't want to be tied down in a relationship so I left.

Turns out, Lorenzo was rich. Like really rich. He followed me to the next city and sabotaged my dates and things. At first I was mad at him because he didn't tell me the truth about him but then that subsided. I've been living with him at his home for about ten months now." She said. I smiled. Layla found love. That was so sweet. She smiled as she talked about Lorenzo. I can't lie, the guy was handsome. But Daniel holds my top spot.

"So, Daniel is your boyfriend?" She asked with a wiggle to her eyebrows. I nodded as a smile came across my face. "He's amazing, Layla. Before we got together he annoyed me everyday since junior year. On the first day of school he kissed me, then ignored me for a month. Then one day as I was headed home I tripped and dropped my things. He happened to be there so be helped me. He then proposed to start as friends. Long story short, he told his family we were dating and now we actually are." I explained to her.

"Wow, that sounds like an adventure I would love. He's looking like a keeper to me. And mom seems to really like him." She said. I nodded with a small laugh. "When he first told his family we were dating she bet that we'd be together for real after two months and I bet the opposite." I told her. She laughed. Layla and I talked more.


"Yeah?" She answered.

"Promise me you'll come around more, ok?" I said. She stayed quiet then sat up. I looked at her and she had tears in her eyes. "Oh my god, I had no idea. It's breaking you isn't?" She asked. I slowly nodded. No one knows what it's like. My dad is always gone, Layla never bothered to come home for two years, and Carson was off at college living his independent life. I felt alone. I only had my mom. They brought me closer to her.

"It's ok Layla, don't say sorry. I forgive you just please keep that promise." I said. She nodded and hugged me. A knock came to the door and my dad walked in. Layla excused herself as dad came in. They hugged then I was left alone with him. "Hey daddy." I said.

"Hey Ky-bug. I missed you baby girl." He said as he hugged me. "I missed you too." I said.

"So I met that boyfriend of yours." He said. I looked up at him. Oh boy. I guess he saw the worried expression on my face. "He's a great kid. I can tell." He said. I smiled. "You're great dad." I said.

"Yeah, but I haven't been lately. Kyla, I know that I haven't been the greatest dad for the past year with work and all but I just want you to know that I'm sorry and that I'll always love you. Remember that, ok?" He said. I nodded. "Love you too, dad." I said. He nodded then left. Carson barged in and jumped on my bed. "Hey, Kyla." He said.

"Hey Carson, what's up?" I asked.

"Let's talk." He said.

"About?" I asked.

"That Daniel guy. Is he really your boyfriend?" He asked. I nodded. "Ok, but just know that f he ever hurts you, I'll hurt him." He said then left. Was it confession night tonight?

My door opened once again. "I swear if someone barges in here again!" I yelled. I heard a chuckle. I turned towards the door and saw Daniel. He was covered in flour. "Oh it's just you." I said. He came and helped me up. "Let's go, dinner is ready." He said. I stopped him. "You really did help my mom in the kitchen." I said. I picked some flour from his hair. "Of course." He said then pecked my lips.

The dinner went surprisingly smooth. Carson and Layla did the dishes. Everyone seemed to like Daniel and Layla's boyfriend. Everything went by great. My family was starting over. Right now, we were in our big backyard. Carson, my dad, Lorenzo, and Daniel were throwing a football. My sister, my mom, and I were watching. I sat under the shade tree in my favorite hammock reading.

It was really peaceful out here. This was where I did some reading whenever I was outside. I felt the hammock dip and arm was placed around me. "My girls is always reading." Daniel said.

"You're right." I said as I flipped the page. He chuckled. "I saw you throw a little bit but then I got bored so I started to read." I said. He chuckled. "Is that what you do at football games?" He asked. I put my hand on my chin and hummed. "Hm, sometimes but there was this one football player who always caught my eye." I said with a small smile.

He smiled at me. "It's me, I know." He said.

"No I was talking about number forty seven. Zachary. That boy is cute." I said. He playfully glared at me. "You know, it worries me that you say that with so much ease. What about me babe?" He asked. I laughed. "Oh, I mean, you're cute too." I said and kissed his cheek. He glared at me again. "Oh let me rephrase that, you're handsome baby. No one can top that." I said and he smiled.

After hanging out for about one more hour Daniel went home. I headed back up to my room and showered. I crawled into bed as I yawned. My phone buzzed.

From: Daniel
To: Kyla
Goodnight, babe. See you tomorrow

Kyla: goodnight Daniel

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