{4}: You Told Them What?!

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He sighed. "You make it sound so terrible." Daniel said. I sighed. "It's not. Your family is wonderful." I said.

"Then what is it?" He asked.

"You." I said simply.

"What about me?" He asked.

"First, you bring me to meet your parents, involuntary, may I add. Everything goes smoothly. Then, I find out that you have two older siblings and two younger siblings?! You didn't tell me that you had siblings! When we went out on a spontaneous pizza adventure and talked about ourselves I asked you,"Anything else you wanna tell me?", you said no. It dawned on me today while in your room that you said NOTHING about your family." I said with anger lacing my tone.

"Why are you getting so upset about this?" He questioned. He doesn't understand. Family is important to me. My dad is almost never home, my brother was at college, my sister is traveling the world, and my grandparents are deceased. I've never mentioned much about my family before but I've told Daniel about them. I told him that my dad is a business man, that my brother was in college, and that my sister barely had time for us. You know, just the general stuff. He just doesn't understand how much family is important to me. He doesn't understand.

"You don't understand." I mumbled with my head down. "What do you mean?" He asked. I shook my head and walked back into the house. Before a tear fell, I wiped it. That was too close. I sat beside Reagan. "Hey Kyla, mind if I take a picture with you?" She asked. I shook my head. She leaned in and we took a selfie. Daniel came back in and sat across from me.

"Daniel, why don't you go and sit beside your girlfriend." His mom suggested.

PAUSE!!! Hold up, I don't think I heard her right. His what? Where? Who? I looked around for another female to walk in but the door never opened. Ok, let me try again. I turned once again to see if another female would walk in. There wasn't one. Explanations are gonna have to come tonight.

I look at Daniel and his cheeks were as red as a tomato. "Nah, we're good." He said quietly. I looked at him and raised my eyebrow. So we're good now. "You're exclusive right? That's what you told us." His mom pressed. I narrowed my eyes at Daniel. He gulped visibly. I decided to keep the awkwardness down and got up. I went and sat beside Daniel and he put his arm around me. I inwardly rolled my eyes.

"Ooh! Take a picture! You guys look cute together!" Reagan said. I stood up and Daniel did also. We stood in front of the wall and posed. Daniel pulled me in close and whispered in my ear. "I'll explain later, I promise." He said. I said nothing.

We posed. He had an arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me into where half of my body was almost on his. I put on a smile and waited for his sister to snap the picture. She showed us the picture. It wasn't half bad. He smiled and asked if she could send the picture to him. Thirty minutes later, we left. I didn't talk to him as he drove the route to my house.

"I know what you going to-"

"First, let me say again, you bring to meet your family unannounced. Secondly, I'm suddenly your girlfriend?! You have five seconds to do some explaining Daniel Colt or I swear I'm gonna lose it!" I yelled. He was just looking at me. I noticed he pulled into a parking space at the park.

I stared him down. "Well?" I said, which snapped him out of his thoughts. "I kind of told my family that you were my girlfriend." He mumbled. "I'm sorry, what?" I asked. I heard him clearly. I wanted him to repeat it loud and clear. He cleared his throat.

"I kind of told my family that you were my girlfriend." He said louder and more distinctive. "That's what I thought you said." I told him. We sat in silence for about five minutes. "You're not gonna ask why?" He asked.

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