{14}: How Am I Going To Do This?

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It has been a week since my mom told me that we were moving. I was halfway packed. I discussed the situation with Haley. She understands about the problem I have. How was I going to tell Daniel? I was really starting to fall for Daniel then some big bump stops me. I can't even look at Daniel without crying. So this week, I drove myself to school.

Daniel would still walk me to class but at lunch I hid from him, trying to wrap my mind on the situation. Daniel was everything I could ask for in a boyfriend. He was polite and just plain good to me. I had no idea how I was going to cope.

I sided with writing a letter because I know that if I tried to tell him in person I'd break down crying. I went home after school to start on it. Hours after hours I would sit there and nothing would come. Days passed by and now we were moving in two days. Tomorrow was my last day and I was writing the letter to him.

After finally finishing the letter I put it in an envelop and sat it on my desk. I woke up and saw that I was late to school. I shrugged. I looked and gabbed the envelop. I drove to Daniel's house and asked if I could put it on his desk. I walked out after placing on the desk.

I went home and packed the rest of my things. This feeling is unbearable right now. I just hope he gets my letter. I went downstairs for dinner. "Hey, Kyla, how are you holding up?" My mom asked when I walked into the kitchen. I shrugged. "So so. It's really hard momma." I said. She came and hugged me. "I know, baby. It will get better ok? I know you've been crying." She said. I nodded.

"Stop the tears and face this like the strong young woman you are." She said. I gave her a small smile and sat down for dinner. My dad came in and we ate. That night I couldn't sleep. I just sat there, wondering if Daniel got my letter or not. My mom came in dressed and ready to go. "Hey, I was just coming to wake you up." She said. I nodded and got out of bed to get dressed.

I put on a pair of Daniel's sweatpants and my captain America t shirt with my converses. I combed through my hair and left it down wavy. These past few months my hair has been growing. It's almost to my butt now so I guess I have a little something to be happy about then. But just a little. I went and packed up the things I used this morning. I placed my comforter in a box and packed my entertainment things in my backpack.

I turned the light off and walked downstairs. A car and a moving van was waiting on us. I went and slid into the backseat of the car. You know, the funny thing is, Daniel hasn't texted me all this week. I wonder if he knows or if he was really busy. We arrived at the airport and boarded our private plane. The flight to Arizona bored me so I went to sleep. That didn't last long because I started dreaming about Daniel.

The plane landed and we got off. As I walked through the big airport my mind kept wondering back to Daniel. I was going to miss him so much. I just hoped that he would call soon. We caught a taxi to our new house. It was modern yet homey and just as big as the last one. My room has a nice window seat and bay window. I went and sat on the bed.

I decided to shower and get dressed. I was going to explore my new town. I put on a pair of shorts, a low crop top, and converse. I grabbed my keys and started the walk. My car was here but what was the point. I walked into town. There were many stores there. I saw this pizza place. Knowing that I love pizza, I went and bought a slice.

I finally arrived to a park. There were a group of boys playing around with a football. They were cute but Daniel had my interest. I took a seat under a big tree and watched. I bit a piece of my food. I looked up and a football was heading towards my head. Instead of dodging it I held up my hands like Carson taught me when I was little. The ball landed in my hands. I smiled at my actions. The guys were just staring.

"This your ball?" I asked nicely.

"Uh, yeah." One of them said. He had nice blue eyes and blonde hair. I nodded. "Well, ok, here you go." I said and stood up to give the ball to him. Once I stood up I noticed how tall they were. They were all over six foot. They were taller than me and I was five ten. The guys watched every step I made towards them.

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