Bonus Chapter 3

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"Wake up kid." Kyla said as she walked into her child's room. DJ sat up and wiped his eyes.

"Your daddy is headed to the field and he said that a special someone can come along if they hurry." She said. His eyes lit up as he heard the news. Daniel Jr loved going to work with dad. It was like their special bonding time. They were close, considering the fact that he was the only boy for now. That would change once Kyla had the fourth Colt baby. Braden was gonna be just as beautiful as the other children.

Daniel and Kyla wasted no time and stated to have children only a year after they'd been married. Amelia was the oldest and was super sassy but was her mom's little helper. Daniel Jr stuck to his dad like glue and so was the baby girl, Lilly. Lillian Colt was as cute as pie and had the most adorable eyes just like her dad.

After leaving Daniel Jr's riom, Kyla made her way downstairs to start breakfast for her bunch. The breakfast was done in five minutes, thanks to meal prepping earlier that week. Daniel and Kyla's kids were simple eaters. A homemade cereal bar and fruit would keep them going throughout the day. Daniel, on the other hand, ate a full meal before he left home. Usually at the table, the kids would watch their dad eat his hearty breakfast. Lilly would giggle when crumbs of the toast got stuck in his beard he sometimes kept.

Amelia would giggle right along with Lilly and DJ would let out a small snicker with his mom. This would make Daniel smile as he finished his breakfast up. Kyla usually sat at the kitchen bar in a stool, slowly making herself some breakfast. It took her thirty minutes to make her food. That morning, she and Braden were craving some French toast. So, Kyla sat at the bar with her electric grill top making breakfast.

It would be Daniel's turn to snicker. Kyla turned her head at her husband and rolled her eyes. It was always a funny thing. Since the beginning of her pregnancy with Braden, Kyla took things slowly in the kitchen simply because she could not figure out what she wanted to eat. Danny looked at his watch and got up to put his plate away.

"Well as funny as this was family, Danny J and I need to get going if we're going to be on time for work." Daniel said, motioning for his son to get up as well. Within five minutes, they were gone.

Knowing it was gonna take a minute for their mom to finish her breakfast, Amelia and Lilly headed to the living room to watch cartoons.

"Three more months." Kyla muttered as she flipped the first piece of toast.

Months later

Baby on the way!

Daniel looked twice at his phone and rushed to his coaches. After explaining what was happening, Danny was on to the highway headed to the hospital within ten minutes. He made it to the hospital and went straight to the familiar ward he'd been in three times before.

"Room 428, Mr. Colt!" The receptionist shouted out as he ran past her. He made it to the room and minutes later, he found himself cutting the umbilical cord from his baby boy.

"Braden Chase Colt, what a beautiful baby boy!" The doctor exclaimed.

"Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Colt on your fourth little miracle." The nurse said to the couple. After taking Braden away to be checked up, Kyla rested her head on her husband's shoulder. He scooted closer to her in the hospital bed.

"I thought the third one was supposed to be the charm?" She asked him. He chuckled.

"Oh their all charms. I'm just glad that their our charms." He told her.

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