{6}: The Jealous Girlfriend

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"Um, why are we at McDonald's?" I asked.

"I'm hungry." Daniel simply stated and got out of the car. I quickly followed, not wanting to stay in the car. As we walked across the parking lot Daniel grabbed my hand. Even though it was only a day of him holding my hand I found it comforting. I looked up at him and he smiled down at me. We walked in and he told me to find us a place to sit.

As I waited, a group of girls came in. They were cheerleaders from what I could tell. Their practice gear gave it away. They went and ordered their food. Whenever they did come back they were talking loudly.

"Oh my gosh, that cute guy up there just let me cut in line." One said. They all awed. I rolled my eyes. "Hey, I found out his name. His name is Daniel and he goes to Bridge Pointe High. He's a senior. I'm not sure if he's taken though but I want him." A brunette girl said. Ok their talking about Daniel, I think. The girl got up and got in line behind him.

A tinge of jealousy made itself known to me. Why was I jealous? I'd only been "dating" Daniel for a day. This side of me was supposed to be reserved for my actual boyfriend. Daniel was, well, he was Daniel. I don't know what to say about my actions but I'm sure the jealous side of me took over. I got up and stood by Daniel and placed my hand on his arm. He looked down and smiled at me while he intertwined our fingers.

"Pick what you want." He said, motioning to the menu. I shrugged,"I'm not sure what I want and I don't want to impose anyway." I said to him. He shook his head,"No, I know you're hungry. I'll guess your favorite meal from here and if I get it right, you kiss me." He said to me to where we could only hear. I shrugged then nodded.

We stepped up to the cash register. The brunette was close behind. "Ok, I want to get a quarter pounder with cheese meal and my girlfriend wants a ten piece chicken nugget meal." He said. I was surprised that he got it right. Cliché if you ask me but who cares. He got it right. He grinned as I nodded my head in approval. He paid the cashier and we stepped aside.

I watched as the brunette stepped up and ordered. She came and stood beside us. I noticed that she was staring at Daniel. I decided to humor myself with the situation. "Oh, hello. I see you're staring at Daniel." I said to her, stating the obvious. She snapped out of her trance and looked at me. She placed a fake smile on her face.

"Yeah." She said awkwardly. Daniel looked at us. "Hi." He said to her. She batted her eyelashes flirtatiously. "Hello, how are you?" She asked. "I'm good." He replied.

"Cool, we should hang out sometime." The brunette continued. Daniel shook his head. "I don't think my girlfriend would like that." He said and kissed my head. I smiled up at him and he winked. The girl's face was full of embarrassment. I just smiled at her.

"Hi, I'm Kyla." I said to her. The brunette extended her hand out and I shook it. "Dawn." She said. I nodded. "Nice to meet you." I said. She nodded. "So Daniel, your girlfriend is pretty but I think I'm way more prettier." She said. Ok, a bit forward much? My fist absentmindedly clenched. Daniel ignored her.

"Oh Daniel, no need to ignore me. I'm sure she knows. The truth hurts." She said and smirked at me. I turned to her.

"Sure does. And the truth is, I'm about to beat your-"

"Order number 35!" The lady yelled. Daniel pulled me away before I could throw a punch and grabbed our food. He didn't even stop at a table he just kept walking. "Daniel put me down!" I yelled while hitting his back repeatedly. He ignored me and sat me in his car. Daniel got in and drove. We pulled up to his house and we got out.

He pulled me up to his room. We sat on the floor and began eating our food. "Someone's jealous." He said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes. "Awe, it's ok to be jealous. That's what girlfriends do." He said.

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