Bonus Chapter 1

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Heyyyy I'm back! Never left really but moving on... Since I just love Daniel and Kyla, I'm doing some bonus chapters. They stole my heart just like Daniel stole Kyla's first kiss, lol. Aside from the lame jokes, I'm back y'all. These are gonna be good, I promise. Thank you all for the reads and votes that you've given so far. Hope that more come!

- sarcasticallybleh

"Daniel!" Kyla yelled. She heard her husband's heavy footsteps as they made their way down the stairs. "Yes, Ky?" He answered.

"I need help. I can't get up, the doorbell just rang and I want some cookies." She pouted. Daniel chuckled at his pregnant wife and helped her up. Kyla waddled to the door and opened it, only to find her best friend and her husband standing there with their two kids.

"Hey guys, come on in." She said and moved so they could come in.

"Huge as a watermelon, I see." Haley said to her friend and rubbed her stomach. Kyla scowled and slapped her hand away. "Annoying as ever, I see." She told her best friend. Daniel hugged his wife from behind. "Don't worry about her, she's just having a bad day." He explained.

"Why?" Nick asked.

"Daniel's child has been kicking up a storm all day." Kyla huffed.

"How come every time the baby does something you don't like, he's always my child? Anyway, our child has been kicking all day." Daniel said. Haley laughed. "Well where are the other little tikes?" She asked.

"At a play date." Kyla said. She and Daniel already had three kids. Her baby boy would be the fourth. Six blissful years of marriage and Daniel still puts up with Kyla. After Nick and Haley left, the kids arrives home from their play date with their dad.

"Mommy!" They all shouted. Kyla bent down to give her kids hugs and kisses. "Momma missed you guys." She said. They all soon went into conversation about what they did at their play date. Daniel and Kyla both listens tentatively as their kids talked. "It was so fun!" Daniel, Jr. shouted.

"DJ, do not talk with your mouth full." Kyla scolded. He quickly swallowed and obeyed his mom. Soon the kids were put to bed and Kyla was sitting on the couch watching tv. Daniel came and placed her feet on his lap. "I love you, you know that?" He said to her. She looked up at him and smiled.

"Yes, I do. I love you too." She said and they sealed their words with a kiss. Kyla looked up at him.

"It's nine o'clock. The kids won't wake up again until ten. How about some ice cream?" She asked him with a mischievous smile. He chuckled.

"Our kids are smart, you know. They're gonna recognize that their favorite ice cream keeps coming up short." He told her. Kyla only shrugged. When he came back with her ice cream she smile even more.

"This stuff is good." She said as she stuffed her mouth.

"Yep, its still sexy how much you eat. Reminds me of high school." He said to his wife. Kyla looked up and rolled her eyes at him as he laughed.

"Shut up."

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