{15}: No Warning (Daniel's POV!)

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Beep! Beep! Beep!

That sound. That constant sound going back to back. I slowly opened my eyes. The bright light hurt really bad, I groaned and quickly shut my eyes. There was movement and I noticed a figure move out of the room really quick. A doctor soon came back. "Hello, Danny. Are you feeling any better?" He asked. I tried to speak but all that came out was a croak. He gave me some water and I drank it greedily.

After drinking my water I answered the doctor's question. "Yeah I feel better." I said.

"Well the good thing is that you don't have memory loss. You hit your head pretty hard there." He said. I nodded. "Well, I'll let your family come back in." He said and left. My family came bursting through the doors. Will, Tyler, Reagan, and Dylan came. Even Nick and Haley. After everyone left, it was just me Nick and Haley. There was one person I was looking for.

"Where's Kyla?" I asked, cutting Nick off from what he was saying. He looked at Haley. They said nothing and looked everywhere but at me. "Where's Kyla?" I asked again.

"Um, she isn't here." Nick said slowly.

"Well where is she?" I asked.

"Arizona." Nick said. Haley was nervously shaking her leg.

"Why is she in Arizona?"

"She moved." Nick said. I looked over at Haley. Her leg never stopped shaking. "She move-"

"It wasn't her doing." Haley said all of a sudden.

"Trust me. All that crying she did told me she really didn't want to leave. You being a big reason why. She, um, well, she loves you. And when she heard about that game she broke down over the phone. She just wanted you to know how much she loves you." Haley said.

I couldn't process it all. "Wait, so she moved. But she couldn't tell me that she moved." I said more to myself than to her.

"She tried. Like really tried. Kyla couldn't find a way to tell you, especially when you two were getting extremely close. She felt as if she'd mess it up." She said.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. "Kyla is gone. And she couldn't even tell me that she was leaving all because she thought she'd mess up what we had?" I asked. She nodded.

"But before you start getting a little angry, she left a note. You were supposed to get it after the football game. By the way, that was a month ago. She left it and hoped it would clear up her disappearance. I went and got it from your room. I know it's a lot to process but just think about it before you go and do something rash." Haley said. She laid the note on my table and left.

"I'll see you tomorrow, ok? I know you probably want to take in all of this." Nick said and followed his girlfriend out the door. I sat there and stared at the note. I was a little angry. Did Kyla not trust the relationship enough to think that she would mess it up over moving? That hurts. It was like she didn't even want to try. And boy did that hurt.

There's no denying it. I love her. I opened the letter and read it.


I know that you're probably wondering where I am right now. I moved to Arizona. I know, shocking. I was shocked myself too. When the news was given to me the first thing I thought about was you, my friends, and my life here. I told my mom that I couldn't move. My life was here you're here. I couldn't find the heart to tell you. That's why I sort of disappeared. I was so scared. What I was scared of? I don't know but I do know that I love you Daniel. I just hope that this change doesn't change us. Don't forget about me, sweet boy.

Love, Kyla

I looked at the handwritten letter. She loves me. But scared? What was she scared of? I'll never forget Kyla. I wish someone would've warned me on this. She's the most down to earth person I know. Not to mention that she's the best girlfriend ever. I don't want to forget her. But I can never know what the future holds for us. I just hope that she hasn't forgot about me.

I remember that I hadn't texted her that week before she left. What if me having no contact with her pushed her to not tell me?

Graduation day approached fast. After I was released from the hospital I was given my work that I missed from school. After catching up my grades sky rocketed. I was in the top ten high honors list. I straightened my tie and pulled on my robe. I smiled for the pictures and headed for the line up. As our names were called I reminisced over my senior year here. It was my best year, despite the accident.

After graduation I went to this party. It wasn't much fun because I couldn't do anything without thinking of her. I still wasn't ready to talk to her. Although I'm pretty sure she knows I'm awake. Haley talks to her everyday. I know she wants to talk to me. I'm just not ready.

College came around just as fast as graduation. My brothers pushed my dresser towards the wall. Reagan helped my mom set my bed. My dad and Dylan had went to get food for everyone, including my roommate. A guy named Matt from Mississippi. He was a nice guy. Really country, but nice. His girlfriend was black too. She was from Mississippi and she went to our school too.

My dad and Dylan arrived back with the food. We all ate then my parents and siblings said their goodbyes. Matt and I sat and talked. "So was Florida your state of choice ?" I asked him.

"Nah, I got a bunch of football scholarships. Anywhere I could get the scholarship was where I would've went. It just so happens that I like this school." He said. Man his accent was thick and heavy. "How was life back home?" I asked him.

"Oh it was pretty good. If I wasn't at school or football practice I would either be with my friends, girlfriend, or family. Hunting could be added into that. Deer season was the best time of the year." He explained. "You hunt?" I asked.

"Hunt? Oh yeah. You know, if we ever get the chance I can take you to Mississippi and we can hunt or something." He said. I nodded. "Sounds like a plan." I said. After talking to Matt more I left the room. I was walking through the central building that held the freshman necessities. I bumped into someone and stumbled back. Their stuff dropped to the ground.

I bent down to help them pick up their stuff. "Sorry." I said.

"It's fine." The girl said. I glanced at the last book on the ground. That book looked extremely familiar. I looked up and saw Kyla. My MIA girlfriend. Boy did she change. In a good way too. Her curves are more defined and her hair grew longer. She even grew an inch. She didn't look like a high school student anymore. She looked liked a soon to be successful college woman.

I did the first that came to mind and grabbed her hand. I pulled her to my new truck and drove off. I kept driving until I came to an open field. There was no one there. We had to talk. I had to talk to her.

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